Oh ya! SPS Commerce is operating “in the red”. Losing over $1 for every $100 in sales!

And it couldn’t have happened to a more deserving batch of E-Commerce ignorance. I guess their vendor-ransom model isn’t working out like it used to yet they continue to increase executive compensation. Gangstas gonna get paid first right? Even if they aren’t making sales. This is a great win for the vendors in the supply chain world wide. May SPS Commerce wither and die as investors who know nothing about EDI continue to be boondoggled by these charlatans with their maniacal business model. They are a plague upon the supply chain and I could post even more, new communications with SPS that would leave many who truly know about EDI shaking their head. Incompetence and in-effective document testing continue to rule their days and yes SPS, I have the proof. Just stop undermining the E-Commerce industry with your practices and incompetent technicians and you may stave off the inevitable. I also won’t be removing any more comments on this site posted by your former employees who attest to your failures first hand. Sounds like everyone’s catching on to you. It was inevitable.

Seeking Alpha says “Avoid” SPSC: https://seekingalpha.com/article/4164342-sps-commerce-avoid

More evidence of costly, ineffective EDI Document testing by SPS Commerce

Here’s another email between an EDI Analyst and a map developer regarding an SPS customers documents after they made the choice to let SPS hijack their customer base for an ineffective testing ransom.  Will it ever stop?  Will the incompetence and gouging ever be outed?

Hi Margarita,


We’re still trying to sort out the issues we’re having with these ALL*** Invoices since switching to their new connection.

We received the below communication from them advising the required freight charges are not showing on the 810 and that these should come through the SAC loop. The Specs for this is attached for your reference.


I’m not sure why this is happening? as I copied the Tested TP kit when switching to their new EDI Connection. So everything that was tested and confirmed as passed should match. I’m beginning to think SPSCommerce did a poor job with handling ALL***’s document testing because when I look back to TEST invoices, none of them included this SAC segment. Therefor it should have failed during the testing period.   


Reminder: We do not receive POs via EDI for this TP.

TDOC Name: ALL_810_4010X_TRIM2


Example of 810 (All Pro New)

ISA*00*          *00*          *01*044381234      *ZZ*ALLPROCORP     *180105*1008*U*00401*000000036*0*P*>





N1*SE*Trimaco, LLC*92*7950

N1*BY*Miller Paint Co. – AllPro*92*5240


N1*ST*Miller Paint Co. – AllPro

N3*14207 Meridian E*Bldg C


ITD*01**2*20180128***0*****2% EOM/Net 15th




PID*F****One Tuff Wiping Cloth  75/box 8bx/cs








Thank you,


Desireé ******* | Systems Analyst – EDI | *******, LLC

D: ***.***.***

Do NOT use Mountain Bike Trails as a promotional gimmick for Real Estate Development.

I don’t think home building companies realize how much damage they are doing to themselves by trying to use what they perceive as a mountain biking “trend” as a marketing gimmick.  I know of three developments nationally where the home builder offered mountain biking trails as a community perk only to shutter the trails within months as they used the land to expand development.  Now I’m not gonna get into how pathetic these over-priced, poorly built track homes are with regards to quality of construction and components (a $3700 laminate double door option, really?).  Regardless of their lack of any real wood I suppose some people are drawn to pay a premium for a house built 10 feet from their neighbor for a sense of “community”.  But when you build mountain bike trails you’ve immediately extended beyond your “community”.

Build all the barn style coffee houses you want beside the community pool.  Who cares.  If you build mountain bike trails word will get out.  We live to explore new trails.  All great for your marketing right?  Yes.  Incredible.  As long as you plant to NEVER remove the trails to expand development of more shot ass homes on the land.  Once you do that, you’re BLACKLISTED.

Blacklisted?  Yep.  A shit community.  Traitors.  Word’s getting out about Wendell Falls.  I suppose they don’t care because demand for their boring track cardboard is so high they destroyed trails they marketed as the second coming of Christ to the area in April 2017.  “Future expansion” they said.  Nope.  Just destroyed trails after one season of riding.  No communication about the trails status.  Just people arriving to find them gone.  Now they can sell all the ghetto fabulous, cheap material track homes they can build due to demand.  We will not forget.  You’ll never have a serious cyclist interested in your matchstick dwellings.  Wendell Falls is blacklisted.  To hell with posers and marketing dim bitches who think this is trend to us.  It’s a lifestyle and you’re a tease for profit.  A teasing whore in a coffee shop barn.  A total misfire.  You DO NOT fuck around by building trails with so much social media and LBS fanfare only to rip them down.  You will lose sales and credibility as anything but development whores for such nonsense.  The cycling community is much bigger than yours.

The rise of a Fascist.

“He had a domineering father and learned at an early age that you either dominate and win, or you lose. He became immature and impatient with a short attention span and little attention for details. He freely told lies and came to believe most of them himself. He eventually lived in a fantasy world and lost his grip on reality. In spite of all this he attained success, in large part due to his bravado and showmanship. He even acquired a fabulous retreat in one of the most beautiful locations in the country. Through his oratory capabilities and theatrics he was able to mesmerize his base. He promised to champion the middle class and put the unemployed back to work. Making numerous promises that he had no intention of keeping, he was voted into political power largely by protest votes against several established politicians. He became the leader of the country. He abrogated treaties and convinced his people that he was the only one who could lead their country back to its rightful place of glory. After denying he would do so he sent troops into foreign lands. He often didn’t take advice from his closest advisers. In fact, although he surrounded himself with high ranking military officers, he seldom took their advice, believing and saying that he was smarter than the generals. He believed that legislators were there only to do his bidding. He took refuge in those few who were still loyal and told him what he wanted to hear”. Who is this quote talking about? Adolph Hitler of course. Who did you think?