When do sales people actually work?

I know how much money many sales reps earned at the companies I’ve worked for during the last few years.  That’s the “information” part of IT.  Provided this knowledge I wonder if some of these sales folks know I can correlate the amount of time they spend on Facebook verses doing actual work (some are even crazy enough to befriend me without putting me in a “block” group).  Yesterday one of them, who’s making pretty good money, started her day on FB by posting all about reading in the tub and making brunch for friends….on a Tuesday morning.

I’ve always thought sales reps are over paid.  I understand that management has to determine a base salary that motivates without discouraging.  I find there is a lot more motivation pay than actual results in many cases.  Our retailer reps work a lot.  These are the guys in contact with the Home Depot, Lowes, Wal-Mart buyers etc.  It’s the other reps that are suppose to attend these conferences and expos to generate new business who seem like they spend three or four days on the road and then three or four days at home relaxing or playing golf for “business purposes”.

If the owners of any company had a look into how much business relation time sales reps spend working with customers verses personal time socializing my guess is base salaries would be much lower and commissions would be higher.  Hell, if it were me the base for any sales rep would be near minimum wage plus travel and expenses.  If the sales rep can’t earn enough to equal the difference, given a good commission, they need to find another career path.  College graduates should look into enterprise software or technology sales.  There’s a shortage in the market and it’s a cushy living.

New Site Title and Updates

I came to a conclusion weeks ago that I needed to modernize this blog with a new theme, content and title.  I’m tired of the site going by my name.  It never sat well with me from the beginning.  So for the next couple of days I’m going to try new titles, based partially upon available URL’s and settle on a site title by Friday.  Until then the title of the site and the banner may change frequently.

I’m keeping the subtitle so everyone will know they’re in the right place.

Richard Huether took a bullet for The Honey Baked Ham Company and was fired.

Richard, a General Manager, was leaving work in Cary one night and was shot by a robber in the stomach.  He went on workman’s comp and as soon as the benefits expired the Honey Baked Ham Company fired him.


Spread the word, no Honey Baked Hams this Thanksgiving or Christmas.  These Corpratist Ass Clowns put revenue above human welfare and their employees.  The man took a bullet for them and their still more concerned about the effect his absence has on their bottom line than his family.  Plus, they lied to him.  The company promised in e-mails to keep him and his family “whole financially.”  Well, at least until it costs them any money.

Never cared much for their over-priced hams anyway.

Irving Kristol is Dead.

He died yesterday. He is one of the people on my list of graves to locate and spit on. Good riddance, evil doer.

FYI – He was the “Godfather” of the Neoconservative movement and was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by Dubya upon Chaney’s admired recommendation. They’re both on my list too.

Health Reform Disaster is moving ahead.

According to the NY Times assessment, health “reform” is moving ahead. Here’s a segment from their article. I highlighted the most damaging part of this legislation in bold.

“Four of the five Congressional committees considering health care legislation have already passed bills. Each would require all Americans to have insurance and provide government subsidies for those who cannot afford it. Each would bar insurance companies from refusing coverage for pre-existing conditions; imposing lifetime caps on coverage; or dropping people when they get sick.”

Once this compromised legislation is passed not one thing will have been achieved to actually help control the cost or access to health care in America. There is nothing regarding tort reform, there is no mention of leveling the cost of prescription drugs to what other countries pay. There isn’t anything to manage cost at the provider level. It is no more than a legal mandate for all Americans to purchase a private market product. It’s a big ass win for the health insurance companies and nothing for struggling American families.

Do you know how low your families income will have to be before qualifying for any government subsidies to purchase insurance? Think poverty level and subtract 10. Now multiply by the number of job losses that continue by the cost of government subsidized health insurance from the private market. You want to talk about expensive? Just look at what mandated insurance did to Massachusetts courtesy of the spawn himself, Mitt Romney. Yep. They’re broke.

Don’t get me wrong, I would support health care reform in a valuable format that will actually reduce costs and provide marketplace competition. The legislation that is forming now is no more than the American government forcing a private market product on the consumer. And I don’t want anyone to compare car insurance. You have a choice to buy a car and drive it. This legislation leaves no choice. And the President will sign it, no matter how compromised, and call it a win. Why do you think the Pharma’s and Insurers are still at the table? They want to make sure a “bi-partisan”, “compromise” is reached that will hand them 40 million new customers.

And despite the fracas of August, the major stakeholders in the health care debate — hospitals, doctors, insurers and the pharmaceutical industry — have not abandoned the negotiations. Ralph G. Neas, chief executive of the National Coalition on Health Care and a veteran of Washington legislative fights, said this was especially significant.

“They’re saying to themselves: ‘We’re going to get 30 to 40 or 50 million new customers. This is in our economic self interest,’ ” Mr. Neas said. “That, as much as anything else, could propel this forward to a law that does provide quality health care for all.”

Wouldn’t it be nice….

“No one should die because they cannot afford health care, and no one should go broke because they get sick. Post this in your status for the next 24 hours if you agree.”

It’s good to see we’ve reached the point of Utopian comments.  This idealistic statement has been posted on facebook by five of my friends in the last day.  I’ve even been told I missed the point of it.  Mmmm… let’s see.  I’m hearing some Beach Boys in my head….”Wouldn’t it be nice if we older…”.  Oh ya, wouldn’t it be nice.  It would be more than that, it would be ideal.  It would be an ideal, Utopian medical care system. The likes of which may exist elsewhere, but not here. You’re in the US. Or have you forgotten?  Now I’m going to respond to this hyper-buttercup and tulip fantasy with one of my Brillo pad reality checks using an amended version of the hype:

In the US it is most probable that people will continue to die because they cannot afford equal health care for chronic conditions, and millions will continue to file for bankruptcy because they get sick. It’s irrelevant who agrees with this statement.

This is a country run by banks, corporations and their engineered legislation.  I’m not spewing conspiracy theory and rhetoric. Everything is for profit from birth to prisons and waging war to medical care.  Thanks to the ideology of free market capitalism at any cost, including lives, it will stay that way.  Any Utopian ideals, publicly supported or not, are meaningless if they conflict with any incentive or ability to generate revenue.  And here we are. A genuine, epic, conflict of interests.

It is argued by one side that what is good for corporations, banks and Wall Street is always good for America. Corporations keep people employed. The other side argues that not everything should be for profit. I personally tend to agree more with this opinion but there is a very vocal group who oppose corporate oversight and regulation, in any form, because in their minds “Anything the government can do the free market can do better”.

So which is it? We should all know medical care will never be “free” (at least not in our lifetimes). It will either need to be paid for by the collective or the individual. This is now the center of the debate. Many feel like the collective should take care of the indigent while others feel that individuals should be responsible for themselves and/or their family, never another.

Regardless of partisanship, I’m concerned with the mere attempt to simplify such a complex issue with a singular, idealistic expression. I’d like it if no one on earth ever went hungry again, no one ever died of another intestinal cancer, or ever committed another act labeled terrorism. But I’m going to try to stay in a world where rocks are hard and water is wet. Anything else would be a delusional fantasy ripe for a let down. So I’ll wait for the next idealistic comment to come from the far right…

“Government should be absolved from people lives entirely, all illegal aliens should be deported, and no one should ever pay taxes again. Post this in your status for the next 24 hours if you agree.”

2009 Jimmy V “Celebrity” Golf Classic

I just looked through the ABC News Channel 11 photos of the the Jimmy V “Celebrity” Golf Classic. I could hardly recognize a single “celebrity” aside from Arnold Palmer. They did point out “Dennis Haskins, best known for his role as Principal Richard Belding in the sitcom Saved by the Bell.” Who in the name of Almighty Isis is responsible for my missing his appearance? There should have been wide spread public notice and a staggering security detail for someone of such notoriety as Screech’s principal.

I guess the ‘ol Jimmy V just ain’t what it used to be. All I want to know is, did Hootie make it back? It can’t be a golf classic without middle age one hit wonders.  They can’t be easily replaced by old politicians and rich people looking for a reason to call each other “celebrities”.  Oh ya, Lyle Lovett, Meatloaf and the guy from Extreme Makeover Home Edition were there too.  No not Ty, the other dude with the glasses. Far as I’m concerned Lovett’s biggest claim to fame was Julia Roberts.

Why are you looking at me like that? I admire the cause but kinda question the execution. If I’m wrong then why is this tournament falling in notoriety?

The rich got richer. Now they will get poorer.

According to a new study released by Berkley, 23.5% of all income earned in 2007 went to 1% of the US population. The other 76.5% was graciously distributed to the other 99% of us. The top 14,988 richest families saw their income rise by 6.8%. Everyone else’s combined grew 2.8%.


Researchers for this article went on to find that “The possible repeal of the federal tax on large estates in coming years would certainly accelerate the path toward the reconstitution of the great wealth concentration that existed in the U.S. economy before the Great Depression.”

All of this is because “Real income growth for the bottom 99 percent had been very meagre during the Bush expansion starting in 2002. Even including 2007—a good year for ordinary US families-the top percentile captured 65 percent of total real income growth per family from 2002 to 2007”.

The Bush tax breaks. What a win…for 1% of income earners. I guess the “it will create jobs” rhetoric didn’t work out so well huh?

Trickle Down Economic theories = Piss on the Poor.

Economic Hitman John Perkins said he believes Americans are “compassionate people”.

perkinsWhere did he get that idea?  Compassion is not a visible trait among Americans.  During an interview about his 2004 best seller Confessions of an Economic Hitman Perkins said that he thinks that once Americans know why other parts of the world have so much animosity for the US that Americans would change because we are “compassionate people”.

Uh, John…no, we’re not.  Is it any mystery that America is the world headquarters of personal greed?  Just look at the right wing attack on health reform.  One of the biggest complaints opponents have is that they don’t want to face a tax increase, even for the ultra wealthy, to pay for “deadbeats” who can’t afford health care for themselves.  American’s don’t even care about each other.  What made you think there is enough “compassion” in America to believe we would change our behavior because of the opinion of another nation or culture?   These are nations and cultures clearly below the standards set for consideration by most American’s.  America is the ultimate superpower empire on earth.  The place where the living standards are the highest and the rest of the world is beneath us.  What, you didn’t get the memo?

For those not familiar, John Perkins was recruited by the National Security Agency to convince foreign nations to take out large international loans for domestic infrastructure projects and then collect the monies owed to US corporations.  For example Ecuador owes 50% of their GDP (gross domestic product) to international lenders and corporations.  When they can’t pay they have to turn over assets, like the Amazon rain forests, to energy companies.  If they don’t turn over assets or pay then the “Jackyl’s” would be sent in.  These Jackyl’s, which are CIA sanctioned operatives, would cause internal strife such as military coups and even assassinations.  When they fail to get the assets US corporations are pursuing then “we send in our young men and women to die and to kill, like we are doing in Iraq today”.  To date not one source has been able to scrutinize or denounce John Perkin’s claims.  Those who tried to dispute his claims quickly retracted when confronted with evidence.  In John’s words “it’s all about building Empire”.

Watch the interview and learn more than you want to know about the Empire that is larger and more powerful than the US government.  It is the community of world corporations and their ambitions above and beyond all international laws.  NAFTA and the WTO are their vehicles to legitimacy.  The corporations grow rich regardless of any social or moral destitution they create.  The mandate of their executives is profits at any cost, even lives.

I must not be a “Real American”.

More foreclosures than last year are on the way and people will be without a place to live. This is because job loss is now the leading reason for foreclosures. The perfect people can’t blame the problem on the irresponsible ones any more. Those now facing foreclosure are people who were not in trouble, had good credit and wouldn’t have a problem today if their job hadn’t been outsourced overseas or eliminated all together to turn their salary into earnings on shareholder reports.

But I’m sure there are still perfect people who will make some pretentious comment about how these folks should have “planned ahead” and “shouldn’t have borrowed more than they could afford to pay back”. That’s because there will always be assholes among us who may not ever know a hardship thanks to nepotistic handouts, free rides and other financial blessings, earned or not. And they’ll always have a condescending comment regarding the failure of others as long as their self-perceived perfection saturates them. It’s arrogance and it permeates American society like a virus that we are not trying to cure. The scary thing is the pending economic doom we’re facing may even catch up to the trust fund kiddies this time. You know, the ones who preach independence and responsibility working at Starbucks in SOHO while mommy and daddy pay the $2600/mo. rent.

American’s who actually labored their whole lives are the ones facing the fire right now. Those who are wealthy enough to be vested in the markets are trying to maintain their wealth at the expense of the American worker. And they will for a while. So the kids of rich bankers and investors will talk down to people who are rapidly losing their life savings as if they have a clue what it’s like to actually work hard. Meanwhile unemployment benefits will run out and families will be forced to the street.

Greater demands will be placed on our social service networks and the “real Americans” will scream that it’s not their place to provide for people who “don’t want to work”. I never seen so little compassion for the plight of people facing hardship as I do in America right now. From health care reform to social support the conservative right has taken a position that it’s not their responsibility to help others. I called out conservatives but this is really becoming a class divide. The haves and have-nots are going at each other hard now. The “real Americans” are mad, screaming and in self preservation mode.

Amy and I have our immediate family, on both sides, very close to where we currently live. After watching and analyzing the situation for years I am completely serious about my next comment.

Unless unexpected changes take place my goal, that I will focus on intently over the next decade, is to get my family out of this country. American greed, arrogance, nepotism and narcissism are tearing this country apart. People are becoming increasingly vocal that they do not care about others. They only care about themselves and feel they are responsible only for their own well being and should not be required to care for others. I don’t want to live in a country full of people with this attitude.

Yesterday I watched NRA advocates in Phoenix carry automatic weapons to health care rallies to promote their cause.  A cause that is not even in jeopardy except in the minds of those who perceive their government as a constant threat.  I realized I don’t want to live in a place where I’ve got to teach my children to protect and care for themselves and no one else. I don’t want them to be part of a society they cannot find acceptance in without proclaiming hatred for their government.   To speak of the greater good implies weakness and in America (at least in NC) and it is rarely tolerated.  Thanks to years of believing bullshit jargon like “the one who dies with the most toys wins” all the self centered, arrogant, narcissistic American’s are beginning to reap the rewards of their demise.  I don’t think it can come fast enough for some.

Growing up I was actually proud and comfortable being an American. Now I despise the omnipresent fear that many use to manipulate the American social construct.  Many have forgotten that “The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself”.  Instead scare tactics have now become the weapon of choice for the Republican party who uses their vocal “leadership” to make comments such as those suggesting government run “death panels”.   According to these standards to be a “real American” you must comply with party policy, accept the propaganda, checking your individual decision making abilities and thought processes at the ballot box.  Otherwise you are not a true “patriot” or a “real American”.  Just shut up, drink the Kool-Aid and thank God for it.

I personally believe other countries and governments have been more correct, in many ways,  about planning their social structure and governance than the US but the sheer arrogance of many if not most Americans will never let them recognize any successes of other nations.  The “real American’s” will never accept implementation of policy that is not perceived as an American original despite any visible success in other countries.  The perception of other nations that American’s are pompous and arrogant is not without established merit or basis for belief.

To show your disgust for this writing go out and put a magnetic American flag decal on your car.  You know, the one made in China.