I must not be a “Real American”.

More foreclosures than last year are on the way and people will be without a place to live. This is because job loss is now the leading reason for foreclosures. The perfect people can’t blame the problem on the irresponsible ones any more. Those now facing foreclosure are people who were not in trouble, had good credit and wouldn’t have a problem today if their job hadn’t been outsourced overseas or eliminated all together to turn their salary into earnings on shareholder reports.

But I’m sure there are still perfect people who will make some pretentious comment about how these folks should have “planned ahead” and “shouldn’t have borrowed more than they could afford to pay back”. That’s because there will always be assholes among us who may not ever know a hardship thanks to nepotistic handouts, free rides and other financial blessings, earned or not. And they’ll always have a condescending comment regarding the failure of others as long as their self-perceived perfection saturates them. It’s arrogance and it permeates American society like a virus that we are not trying to cure. The scary thing is the pending economic doom we’re facing may even catch up to the trust fund kiddies this time. You know, the ones who preach independence and responsibility working at Starbucks in SOHO while mommy and daddy pay the $2600/mo. rent.

American’s who actually labored their whole lives are the ones facing the fire right now. Those who are wealthy enough to be vested in the markets are trying to maintain their wealth at the expense of the American worker. And they will for a while. So the kids of rich bankers and investors will talk down to people who are rapidly losing their life savings as if they have a clue what it’s like to actually work hard. Meanwhile unemployment benefits will run out and families will be forced to the street.

Greater demands will be placed on our social service networks and the “real Americans” will scream that it’s not their place to provide for people who “don’t want to work”. I never seen so little compassion for the plight of people facing hardship as I do in America right now. From health care reform to social support the conservative right has taken a position that it’s not their responsibility to help others. I called out conservatives but this is really becoming a class divide. The haves and have-nots are going at each other hard now. The “real Americans” are mad, screaming and in self preservation mode.

Amy and I have our immediate family, on both sides, very close to where we currently live. After watching and analyzing the situation for years I am completely serious about my next comment.

Unless unexpected changes take place my goal, that I will focus on intently over the next decade, is to get my family out of this country. American greed, arrogance, nepotism and narcissism are tearing this country apart. People are becoming increasingly vocal that they do not care about others. They only care about themselves and feel they are responsible only for their own well being and should not be required to care for others. I don’t want to live in a country full of people with this attitude.

Yesterday I watched NRA advocates in Phoenix carry automatic weapons to health care rallies to promote their cause.  A cause that is not even in jeopardy except in the minds of those who perceive their government as a constant threat.  I realized I don’t want to live in a place where I’ve got to teach my children to protect and care for themselves and no one else. I don’t want them to be part of a society they cannot find acceptance in without proclaiming hatred for their government.   To speak of the greater good implies weakness and in America (at least in NC) and it is rarely tolerated.  Thanks to years of believing bullshit jargon like “the one who dies with the most toys wins” all the self centered, arrogant, narcissistic American’s are beginning to reap the rewards of their demise.  I don’t think it can come fast enough for some.

Growing up I was actually proud and comfortable being an American. Now I despise the omnipresent fear that many use to manipulate the American social construct.  Many have forgotten that “The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself”.  Instead scare tactics have now become the weapon of choice for the Republican party who uses their vocal “leadership” to make comments such as those suggesting government run “death panels”.   According to these standards to be a “real American” you must comply with party policy, accept the propaganda, checking your individual decision making abilities and thought processes at the ballot box.  Otherwise you are not a true “patriot” or a “real American”.  Just shut up, drink the Kool-Aid and thank God for it.

I personally believe other countries and governments have been more correct, in many ways,  about planning their social structure and governance than the US but the sheer arrogance of many if not most Americans will never let them recognize any successes of other nations.  The “real American’s” will never accept implementation of policy that is not perceived as an American original despite any visible success in other countries.  The perception of other nations that American’s are pompous and arrogant is not without established merit or basis for belief.

To show your disgust for this writing go out and put a magnetic American flag decal on your car.  You know, the one made in China.

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