
I am personally undecided who I will vote for now. My personal opinion is irrelevant in my prediction. It should be John McCain who wins this election (provided that he lives that long). Why?

The American public could gradually lose it’s fascination with Obama. His “rock star” persona can fade. Not that it matters. What may ultimately lead Obama down the path to defeat is his position on oil. I’m a registered Democrat (in case you haven’t guessed) and I do believe big business and the banks are out of control and unchecked so I feel there needs to be more government oversight, I despise the situation in Iraq, and I don’t think the Republicans have a plan for a health care system that’s going to do anything but make the rich even richer. So why am I considering a vote for McCain?

Because he supports drilling in the US for oil. While I care about the environment I really despise hyper-tree-huggers. These are the environmentalists who will sacrifice our nations welfare and economy to save another damn species of snail. I know a lot of other Democrats who fall into the category of Independent by default in this election. Hell, let’s face it I might as well change my registration to Independent because I don’t fully support either party’s position on a number of issues.

  1. I want immigration laws enforced – not reformed. Neither candidate is supporting this position to the upset of the Republican party because I’m certain most conservatives want a candidate with a stronger stance on this issue.
  2. I want to drill for oil in America. Obama and the Democrats have made it clear they care nothing about saving our future by attacking the energy problems on all fronts including drilling at home.
  3. I want NAFTA repealed. Again, nothing either party has proclaimed interest in.
  4. I support the withdraw of troops in Iraq using a responsible time table. More Dems support this than Republicans.
  5. I believe we need comprehensive health care reform. From the top down including an attack on the rising cost of health care services. John McCain wants to put the hospital corporations in check but he’s also running the risk of angering big business supporters who believe hospitals and drug manufacturers, as corporations, should be free to profit as much as they like even if the cost is the lives of patients. This is actually an easy fix: price caps. Universal insurance coverage, a Democratic idea, is nothing but a windfall for health insurance companies. Neither side has even mentioned government price caps which would limit hospital corporation profitability but naturally drive down the price of insurance.
  6. I want to pay fair taxes. This is more of a Republican idea but only really benefits the rich and corporations under their model of tax breaks. Democrats will give no one a break here.

Basically I don’t fully support either party and choosing one side or the other is like choosing which foot to be shot in. I don’t want to be shot in either foot.

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