Worst of the worst… People who ride eBikes off road.

I don’t care if you take your MOPED down a designated, paved bike lane or down the middle of I-40 at rush hour. Don’t care if you go to the store on it, to your grandmas or to rent a Porta Potty. If you take one of these sorry ass excuses for a bike anywhere near a trail designated for “Non Motorized Use Only” I want your ass kicked. Period. In fact I hope you scare a horse, get back kicked into the gravel so the horse can stomp around on you violently causing numerous breaks and hemorrhaging. Yes, that is how much I hate lazy dolts on these stupid machines. They’re nothing but new liquor cycles for old men with DUI’s and those who pretend to like cycling but can’t ride a damn bike. Lazy, pathetic posers. Have fun in traffic just keep the damn things off the trail.

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