WRAL.com – News – House Committee To Consider Two-Year Moratorium On Death Penalty

WRAL.com – News – House Committee To Consider Two-Year Moratorium On Death Penalty

I love it when hard-core Christian conservatives ban together in support of killing innocent people. Who cares if a couple of people who didn’t commit any crime get the hot needle? A few innocent lives is a small price to pay to make sure the real bad guys burn right? Ah,where would we be without good ‘ol NC redneck, lynch mob ideology?

This story quotes one really intelligent death penalty supporter, Representative Nelson Dollar, as saying that releasing two innocent men who spent over five years on death row shows the system works. Yep folks, this genius was elected. What does he care – no reparations are required. And never mind the controversy that surrounded the investigation of the crooked lawyers who withheld evidence that could have exonerated one of the men during their original trial.

Here’s a solution, I’ve posed it before but it doesn’t seem to popular among criminal prosecutors: If any defendant is aggressively prosecuted, with blatant disregard for researching facts that could lead to an acquittal, and that defendant is proven to have been wrongfully convicted, then the prosecutor must serve a minimum of half the sentence imposed on the innocent defendant.

Somehow I think the prosecutors are going to want to hold on to their current infallibility.

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