I HATE the word Yummy

yummy.jpgForgive this blatant rant but this word has been bothering me for a few years since it became trendy again. I don’t know why and I can’t explain it. I can’t stand to read it or have it go through my head for any reason. I can’t tolerate typing it and God forbid I’m ever forced to say it. It’s appearing more and more frequently and I can’t escape it. Arrrrggggg!!!

It’s a slack, uncreative replacement for “delicious”.  I wish the resurgence of this word propagated by soccer moms would go back to the late 50’s where it came from. What’s next?  Should I be on the look out for “swell”. And then there’s the whole Yummy Mummy thing. What, MILF was too disturbing for the PC crowd so they found something kid safe to describe hot moms? You know who you are.

It’s bad enough when soccer moms invoke the word “yummy” in any context but  professionals reviewing recipes should avoid it like the kiss of death. Any adult male who dares use the word deserves to be castrated for the greater good. It’s just not allowed. I’m warning ya, don’t do it or I’ll buy you a pink tutu and a tricycle and force you to ride it down I-540 at 4:30 on a Thursday afternoon. You will also be required to wear a sign everywhere for three months that says “Yummy Twinkle Boy”.

There you have it, my least favorite word to resurrect itself from the days of Ozzie and Harriet. Isn’t that swell?

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12 years ago

I absolutely hate the words “yummy” and “nummy”. I have a friend who speaks to her nephew using these words and I absolutely cringe. “Yummy” has been popping up on Facebook statuses, describing dinner…disgusting.

sarah h.
12 years ago

Ha ha ha this is funny. a big group of people that googled “i hate the word yummy”…we should have a convention.
I HATE it when adults say yummy. I dont mind when children do. Sometimes I will even say it to describe food to my kids…but i would NEVER Say it in an adult conversation. The reason i googled it, is because i had a facebook friend who just poated “went to pizza hut for lunch, it was yummy!” BARF. IN.MY. MOUTH.
p.s. She didnt even say pizza hut…she said p-hut…which makes me hate her more

12 years ago

I absolutely cannot stand when adults describe babies as ‘YUMMY’ and ‘edible’ and ‘oh I just want to eat him all up!!’ Was ur dinner not enough?? Now u want to nosh 🙂 down on a baby to top it off?? Just creepy!!

12 years ago

I, too, googled “hate the word yummy”. Facebook posts with pictures of people’s restaurant food are the worst. They just post it, and someone else replies, “Yummy!” Then the OP responds, “Mmmhmm SO yummy!” OMFG STFU!

Side note: I am really tempted to post on Facebook, “We GET it…you like coffeee…” I have a cousin in particular who posts every other day, it seems like, about how she just “can’t get going with out that cup of JOE!” >.<

12 years ago

I just googled “I hate the word yum” too!! I despise that word and it makes my stomach turn. I see it written so much and I just cringe! It is so immature and so many adults use it! I think…..”Is this for real”???? So often I feel as though I MUST be the only person who hates the word yum or yummy (I can’t believe I even typed it right now)! It is also very unprofessional to use that word! I decorate cakes and when I post them to my FB and see (those 2 words)I want to scream and feel a little bad for feeling that way!! The word delicious…….YES……I want to say, please use the word delicious or scrumptious would even do but not (that word)!!!

Well, I think I feel a little better knowing that there are other people who feel the same as I do and have even googled the word!!!!

Thanks for letting me vent!!


PS When I read the word……I say it (sarcastically)in my head as a child would while kind of making fun of them for typing it!! OMG! I DON’T feel bad for typing this either!! “)

12 years ago

Found this by googling “I hate the word yummy.” So many women in my circle of acquaintances use it to describe food and I cannot stand it anymore, it just sounds so cutesy and corny. I can tolerate yum, depending, but yummy should be forbidden.

12 years ago

wow….here i have some people who have the same opinion.
trendy word yummy makes me allergic why i don’t know….
Sometimes i feel like to dump shit on peoples mouth who says YUMMY….I just googled “I hate the word yummy” N found this.

12 years ago

This thread is so yummy!

12 years ago

I also hate the words yummy, nummy and their derivatives. They are so childish. I’ll give toddlers a pass for using them. I also add a couple other things that irk me: celebrity chef Graham Elliot, the Snuggle fabric softener bear, the Net10 wireless TV commercials, the person who named “Better Than Sex Cake”…and the worst is when on radio commercials they have (they obviously have been having sex incorrectly their entire lives)full mouths and grunt, moan, slobber ecstatically to demonstrate the foods Y or N-Wordiness…yes they will employ these words often

Hate that fracking word
12 years ago

That word annoys the shit out of me. It’s especially annoying when people say “Yummo.” What the FUCK.

11 years ago

“Yummy” is one of the most bile inducing words ever uttered by man. Its the equivalent of lip smacking/plapping as a descriptive medium for how appetising something is. “Scrummy” is equally as bad, if not worse and I find myself increasingly furious about the term “tasty” (except when used to describe the opposite sex or “birds” as I believe they’re also know). The word is literally as useless as a pocket for your socks! Example – “How was your can of dog food?”, “Tasty”, “How so?”,”BECAUSE IT HAD A FUCKING TASTE YOU IDIOT”.

11 years ago

Hate it Hate!!…Glad other people hate it too….just so so childish and also not sure if others agree but its as bad as eating with your mouth open…the word seems to bring visions of this bodily function and food being chewed up in an open mouth!! All these new trendy things annoys me Hun I another…since when did everyone become a Geordie?!

11 years ago

It is a relief to know I am not alone when I cringe everytime I hear a guy use the word yum.

11 years ago

i hate the word too.. just googled it.

11 years ago

So glad to know there are so many others out there. I lost all respect for a sixty something woman who uses “yummy” all the time – not just for food but for yummy pillows, yummy flowers, yummy everything. She also writes “yipee” all the time in emails when plans have been made. Another one is when people use delicious to desribe something other than food. “That story was delicious.” Arghhhhhhh

11 years ago

I am relieved that others feel this way. When I received a text from a friend saying that she has just eaten a big yummy burger (no commas) I was inclined to write, “glad you didn’t just eat a giant shit-sucking burger.” I bit my tongue and sought solace through Google. .

11 years ago

The very worst is when people use the word ‘yummy’ to describe things that aren’t food. I HATE when people use it to describe sexual appeal, as in “ooh, yummy’ or something really sensual or pleasurable as in “we’re going hot-tubbing!” “really! that sounds yuuuummmy’. The degree of hate I feel for this use of the word is beyond description. And it seems to be spreading. People think they sound cool or creative or hip or artistic or counter-culture when they use the word yummy this way. But it’s just a misuse of an already limited word that as a previous poster said is best for 6 year olds describing cupcakes.

I too am among those who googled ‘I hate the word yummy.’ Maybe we should start a facebook page. : ) Anti-yummies unite! Oh now, I used the dreaded word!

11 years ago

that should say ‘oh no’ not ‘oh now’

11 years ago

there is a facebook page for this! I just found it, it’s called ‘I hate the word yum / yummy’ and it’s a closed group but you can ask to join. There’s only 23 members so clearly we are all needed over there.

10 years ago

Hahaha. I stumbled on this post after Googling I hate the word yummy. I love it and the comments. My mom insists on using the Y word at least once (and I mean at the least) in all of our conversations (last night she even said nummy! Gag)and it makes me want to immediately hang up the phone. My husband said I should find a way to say yummy twice each time she says it once, but I can’t bring myself to do it for fear of actually vomiting…and maybe hurting her feelings. Keep up the hate for this awful, awful word.

Mary Ann
10 years ago

I’m sure someone else mentioned this, but Rachael Ray says “yum-o” a lot. And also, for sandwiches, she says “sammies”. This is so disturbing on so many different levels.

Colin Fields
10 years ago

This is really awesome, I am part of this group as well, those two words yum and yummy are absolutely the most sickening words in the human vocabulary except for maybe OMG, or saying something with the word so in front of it. You know like valley girls… like omg. Also have you noticed how all the women these days talk like valley girls WTF is wrong with these idiots. Sorry got a little carried away there. But yum and yummy need to be banned from our vocabulary for eternity, or just the people that say it would work just as well.

10 years ago

How funny! I googled “I hate the word yummers” and found this thread. Okay, I’m guilty of saying “yum” now and then when in the company of a particular friend…though probably never again after reading this!…but “yummy” is unforgiveable and “yummers” (which I, thankfully, rarely hear) makes me want to commit homocide. As violently as possible. Judging by this thread, it’d probably be considered justifiable!

10 years ago

ha, did the same search. I didn’t know females hated it just the same. For me, hearing girls say it is ok. But when a guys says it, man, that’s just way too gay and irritates the hell out of me

10 years ago

Me too with the Google search! It’s the only word in any language that makes me wretch. Only exclusion is females under 5. All others should be sent to their rooms hungry.

10 years ago

I hate this word as much or perhaps more than terrorism, bad weather, or expired food.
Other words that fall into this category for me are “jammies”, “tummy” and “veggies”. They make you sound like a 2 year old.

And I agree with the poster who commented about Drew Barrymore.

Rob R
10 years ago

I searched “adults should stop saying yummy” on duckduckgo! This page has improbably become the congregating place for us dissenters. “Yummy” has no place in adult usage, or even in the usage of children above toddler age. It is up there with “veggie,” “amazing,” and the talking-to-school-children voices favored on NPR.

8 years ago

This word is the worst. The YU part isn’t bad but when you hit the M M Y part…game over. Why would you say that word seriously?! I don’t mind the typing of Yummy…it’s just a word. But when someone says it out loud…my gosh, I want to say something very mean. My eardrums can only take so much of this Yummy? That’s the best you can do. I cook you a GD filet mignon like a boss and all you have to say is “YUMMY.” Get out right now! And leave the steak at the door!

8 years ago

Let our mutual hate for this word and all its variations be known to all and take solace in the knowledge that we as individuals are not alone in our disdain for such vocabulary.

Let us all raise our glasses and shout with pride and some vitriol, “Delicious!”

8 years ago

I had to dump a girl because she used this word. It is like a cheese grater on my brain for anyone over the age of 5 to use this word in public.

David Bruce
8 years ago

Google brought me here, as well. It’s sad that someone’s use of this word immediately has me reappraising not only their intelligence, but also their place in the world, the people who they are close to, and how strongly I shall try to avoid contact with them in the future.

8 years ago

I’m so glad that I’m not alone in my loathing for that word. The hair goes up on the back of neck and my stomach heaves a little bit every time I read it.

8 years ago

Can’t stand the word. Glad I’m not the only one.

8 years ago

Well damn…for 7 years people have been Googling this. My name is Ksenia and at 6:36am on Saturday, June 22nd of 2016 I Googled that I hate the word yummy…because I do. Probably gonna Google it again in a few years and see if I can find this post.

Stormie Faire
8 years ago

Grossest word ever. Makes me gag! It is in fact more sickening than the word gag.

Stormie Faire
8 years ago

p.s. “nom nom” is the 2015-ish update to yummy and if possible it is even worse. I know it is disgusting to bring this up….so sorry.

Kayo Pina
8 years ago

so I’m not the only person who hates that word it’s so stupid and Annoying asf !! My son’s grandma had the nerve to try and teach my son that word .. I was pissed !! I don’t want my son to ever say that gay ass word

Jon Howard
7 years ago

“Yummers” is the worst form of this repulsive word. It is both babyish and low class. Once you hear it, you can’t get it out of your head! I’ll never forget the first time I heard it — from a new girlfriend at the time. Referring to some food she liked she said “Yummers.” And it was all downhill from there. I don’t think much about her anymore, but the word still haunts me years later.

Jon Howard
7 years ago

Only death can free you from the curse of “yummers,” unless God forbid, there is some afterlife or next life to which it can follow you.

6 years ago

Was starting to think I was the only one out there who recognized that yummy is a garbage word for garbage people. Hate on, fellow haters!

Richard Stiteler
6 years ago

yep, I googled “adult makes who say the word yummy” and it brought me here – very cathartic. I have a friend who’s manly in most other ways but when out with the wife at a restaurant he’ll post on FB where he is with her and that the food is “yummy”. Jesus GOD.. I think it’s her influence… but, there’s no excuse.

6 years ago

“adult males” that is … I can’t edit my previous post? I hate that too…

Dave K
6 years ago

And here I thought I was the only person to detest the words “yum” and “yummy” being written (or god forbid actually said), as I have an immediate adverse reaction every time. I don’t know why it bothers me so much, but I get this brief jolt of anger everytime I see/hear it coming from an adult. I get that it’s completely irrational of me, and I can’t think of any other trivial thing that gets me wound up (even if just for a quick second…or two) like this word. Seriously, everyone who says it without even a hint of irony needs to STFU.

James B
6 years ago

I too can say that I came here after searching for “I hate the word yummy”.

I have three sisters, all in their late 20s and early 30s. It does not seem that their usage of the word yummy, and ONLY yummy, to describe food is going anywhere anytime soon. They all have children, so when they baby-talk with their children, they say “Is your baby-food yummy”, etc., which I have no problem with. But perhaps they have said that too often, for it has become deeply ingrained within them. At a large gathering of extended family, when asked how the consommé was at the restaurant on their anniversary, they would undoubtedly respond with NONE OTHER than the word “Yummy!” It makes me cringe and want to throw up in my mouth a little every time they say this word, which is a lot.

Not once have I ever heard any of them use the word “delicious” or “pungent” or “savory” to describe food. It is always, yummy this, yummy that. When my mother cooks a dinner at a family gathering, it is a chorus of yummies. It never occurs to them that there are other, more descriptive words, to describe things.

Sadly, this poor usage of diction can be extrapolated to other areas of life too. I notice that the Yummy-users often use a very, very small set of words to describe anything in general. And none of them seem to realize it. 🙁

5 years ago

Exactly,to everyone who posted. My only question is why is the facebook group so limited in members? Are we seriously the only 23 psychos that detest the use of this word so much in grown ass adults?

For the love of God…I hear some men that have no problem with the word ” yummy” ( I hate writing it) from grown women and I sometimes wonder if they envision in their head Shirley Temple singing and dancing ” yummy lollipop”? I mean really? It is beyond disturbing!!

To me it is like “tummy” “panties” it feels so pedophiliac and just so wrong for women or men past puberty to say. Not only say, but use it on an hourly basis. I read many food blogs, recipes, etc. and 10 out of 20 are ooohhhhh yummy! Wow, so original!! You actually took the time to create an account to get your ” yummy” comment in? Um, no. Get.a.life.

These peoples lives are seriously lacking originality and brains.

3 years ago

I was staying at a house full of insatiably hungry children and the parents fed them every time they ‘chucked a wobbly’ (tantrum). Usually, the food was sugary cereal which they called NUMMO. The little ones were given a ‘bo-bo’ (bottle) and then put to ‘nigh-nigh’ (bed). There was no NUMMO left and the kids wouldn’t stop screaming until they got it so the parents sent me to the local market to get some.

I returned empty handed and told them there was no NUMMO available in any shop I tried so the parents showed me an empty box in the bin which had Coco Pops written on it. I suggested they could have been specific.

These are the same people who post pictures of dinner on social media, citing that it was a ‘yummy tea’. It’s fucking dinner, not tea. Maybe next time just called it Great Grub and grow up!

I swear kids infantilize their parents.

2 years ago

I too hate the word “Yummy” I’m involved with a guy online and when he uses that word, I want out of our relationship

2 years ago

I love this section its “YUMMY” hahaha

Debbie Dolan
2 years ago

To Ron Howard

You seriously made my day! I would like to end with “Your comment was “yummy”but I’m not sure if you could murder me while here and I’m not ready to have my life ended for a damn word that I too hate! Have a good one Ron.

1 year ago

There is a Chinese takeout by my house called…. Yummy Yummy. It has a huge red and yellow neon sign that says…. YUMMY YUMMY. If you order from there, you will now have a charge on your card for Yummy Yummy. I swear, one of these days…..

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