I HATE the word Yummy

yummy.jpgForgive this blatant rant but this word has been bothering me for a few years since it became trendy again. I don’t know why and I can’t explain it. I can’t stand to read it or have it go through my head for any reason. I can’t tolerate typing it and God forbid I’m ever forced to say it. It’s appearing more and more frequently and I can’t escape it. Arrrrggggg!!!

It’s a slack, uncreative replacement for “delicious”.  I wish the resurgence of this word propagated by soccer moms would go back to the late 50’s where it came from. What’s next?  Should I be on the look out for “swell”. And then there’s the whole Yummy Mummy thing. What, MILF was too disturbing for the PC crowd so they found something kid safe to describe hot moms? You know who you are.

It’s bad enough when soccer moms invoke the word “yummy” in any context but  professionals reviewing recipes should avoid it like the kiss of death. Any adult male who dares use the word deserves to be castrated for the greater good. It’s just not allowed. I’m warning ya, don’t do it or I’ll buy you a pink tutu and a tricycle and force you to ride it down I-540 at 4:30 on a Thursday afternoon. You will also be required to wear a sign everywhere for three months that says “Yummy Twinkle Boy”.

There you have it, my least favorite word to resurrect itself from the days of Ozzie and Harriet. Isn’t that swell?

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15 years ago

I hate it too. I think it makes people sound stupid,corny, and over eager.Glad to hear it bothers someone else.

15 years ago

I could not agree more! I just googled “I hate the word “yummy”” hoping to find some sane person out there–and you do exist after all!

Thank you for spreading this very important message.

I think we can all agree that “yum” is just as bad.

“Yummy” and it’s variations have no place in the English language. I can tolerate the word in one context, and one context only: if a little girl (under 6) wants to describe how a cupcake tastes, she may use the word “yummy”

In ANY other context–especially when used to describe an attractive man, or used in any way BY a man–it is despicable! Hearing it literally makes me gag a little in my own mouth.

15 years ago

Agreed!! This is the most stupid word and it makes people sound stupid and childish and never will this word come out of my mouth unless I am saying how much I dislike it. I probably shouldn’t spend this much energy on it, but I feel it necessary at the moment!

I did the same thing, I googled “hate the word yummy” and this is what I found. THANK YOU!!

15 years ago

Someone on Facebook wrote “going to make a yummy dinner” and I wanted to write them and tell them how bad it sounds. Just horrible! I hate the word. Period.

14 years ago

I just refused to buy krispy kremes (not that my waist line needed them anyway) from a co-worker for a fundraiser because her subject line contained the word YUM. I hate YUM and YUMMY and man it annoys me so much when others use it. I am so glad that there are other sane people in the world! I agree with Paul that coming from a kid’s mouth the word can be considered cute BUT THAT’S IT!!!!

14 years ago

Right there with you brother. Can’t stand that word.

Nila B
14 years ago

I agree, cannot stand YUM, YUMMY, “Yum for all”, Yummy Mummy, YumFinder. It is the most DB, infantile, child-fetishist word I never wanted to hear come back.
When I hear an adult say it, I can only picture a creep with diaper & bottle, scarfing up pureed peas.
It’s such a turnoff, I turn away from whatever they’re selling, or wanting me to try. Anybody that says “Yum” can’t possibly understand what good, grownup food is anyway.

14 years ago

Oh my this page made me laugh! I as well googled the same term as I find the word despicable (along with flip flop sounds). I think my disgust comes from the fact I hate when people eat something and say “mmmmm” which is part of “yummmm” which is part of “yummy.” Why do people have to moan when they eat? I think I enjoy food as much (if not more) than the next person but I don’t have to moan or say things like “yummmm.” Are you f$%#@#$ your food people? I hate writing it as well. Thank goodness they are others of you out there… I find the world deplorable and think anyone that uses it should have to choke on w/e it is they are “yumming” about.

14 years ago

I’m with you folks. Unfortunately, I may have to use this despicable word from time to time, now that a new Chinese/Sushi buffet has opened up in the area, and the idiot owners named it, “YUMMY”. Crap. I’m almost hoping the place fails so I don’t have to recommend it to my friends. I suppose I’ll just say, “Hey, remember Mr. Pita, that Mediterranean buffet (yes, it’s too bad something that uncommon failed) on 98? Well, it’s a Chinese buffet, now…you should check it out….no, I can’t remember the name”.

14 years ago

I just googled the same thing. Bad word.

14 years ago

Yes. I hate the word with a passion. I also hate Drew Barrymore. She is the human equivalent of the “Y-word”.

14 years ago

Something inside of me gets angry when I hear that word its really strange but I HATE THE WORD YUMMY!!!!

14 years ago

I’m not alone!

14 years ago

there’s a strange trend of people googling “i hate the word yummy” because that is exactly what i just did… congrats on being the #1 hit of that search. fuck yummy.

14 years ago

I REALLLLY HATE YUMMY!!!! Stupid vapid trallops!

14 years ago

It seems everyone on here summed it up. I had to google “I hate the word yummy” to see what would come up. I’m so glad I found this. I feel completely validated. Ha.

dan estes
14 years ago

that fag David on QVC does it with the gay hand motion. Even my 8 year old son picked up on it. It makes me want to vomit whenI hear it.

14 years ago

I also Googled “I hate the word yummy”! Without being able to pinpoint what it is about it that bothers me, it does. It really does. The “mmmmmm” sex noises that so frequently accompany the use of the “Y”-word are also despicable and vomit-inducing. Thank you for validating this!

14 years ago

i googled “i hate the word yum” and found this. thank you for your mutual hatred of said word, however, easy on the whole “gay” thing there, people. “yum” being a stupid (terriblehorribleawfulgross) word has nothing to do with homosexuality.

with that being said, who do we need to kill/sleep with to get this word banished from our dictionary???

14 years ago

wow, i thought i was the only one!!!!!!!!!!!!

13 years ago

LMAO!!! I also googled “I hate the word yummy.” It is childish yet perverted at the same time. It’s the whole mmmmm+y. I want to punch people when they say it. The next time I think I will. I also hate the word supper. Hello!!! It’s DINNER!!!! Then again, maybe it’s just the u+double letter that sounds bad. I dunno. Either way I want to punch someone.

13 years ago

Yeah I googled it too. Gotta love the hate available on the Internet. I HATE this word. I hate it when people say “Yummy in my tummy.”
There’s just no need for this disgusting word.

When someone offers me some food and they say, “would you like some yummy I feel like telling them to f**k off. And the worst is “my yummy husband” So sickly and disgusting..

13 years ago

Wow I am not the only one! I can’t even type the word.

OK I hate when it is used describing food but I absolutely HATE HATE when it’s used for other things like an outfit or a hot guy..

13 years ago

I have found my people.

13 years ago

…if I could add one thing. I also hate the word “NOSH.”
If anyone asks me if I would like to nosh, I quickly lose my appetite. God forbid I have to NOSH on something YUMMY… I would rather shoot myself in the face.

13 years ago

I’ve been watching Master Chef, and Graham Elliot Bowles uses this word often… I really dislike when professional chefs say it, because they should know better.

Worse yet, it’s been recently used frequently by certain judges on Chopped and other Food Network shows.

When children say it, I’m not at all bothered… but professional chefs? Awful.

13 years ago

I’m glad I’m not alone. I find the use of this word particularly irksome.

13 years ago

I am gay. 100 percent Homosexual. I effing hate yum, yummy and nosh. Those three words are too gay for me.

13 years ago

I work with this redhead who thinks EVERYTHING is “yummy”….I honestly can’t help but look at her (she’s in her early 20’s) and see a little child. Why can’t ppl come up with something more descriptive? I mean come on, don’t you have any other adjectives in that little filing cabinet between your ears that you could use to describe your boyfriends dinner from last night?
I also googled this phrase this morning, and was SHOCKED there was a thread on yummy-haters. I thought I was alone!

13 years ago

I do say num-nums, when talking about candy though. Am I just as bad? ex: hey, they have num-nums back there, want some?

Ted C
13 years ago

It’s wonderful to know I’m not alone. Why grown woman insist on using this work is beyond my comprehension. They sound so childish and uneducated.

13 years ago

Last year I went to some friends’ home for Thanksgiving, and during some innocuous conversation before dinner I laughingly noted that I hated the word “yummy.” One of the other women guests stared at me and not-very-nicely said, “You’re wierd.” Over the past 10 months I have occasionally wondered why I didn’t just get up and leave, particularly since nothing in that friendship has felt good since. Funny how little things will reveal a crack in a relationship you don’t know exists.

13 years ago

Terrible terrible word. I also googled ‘I hate the word yummy’ and found this site.

It sounds so fake.

13 years ago

Also googled ‘i hate the word yummy’ and found this. How refreshing to hear others say similar feelings. Baby talk? Really? byw; I’m a soccer mom and never ever used that annoying slang word.

13 years ago

GOD I hate that word. Horrible. I even hate it when children say it–they had to learn it from someone. And that means that somewhere, some adult in their life is referring to something as “yummy.” Disgusting.

Lay off the “gay” thing though. As for the guy whose 8 year old son is picking up on the guy on tv who does “gay hand motions” paired with the word “yummy,” I really hope you’re not reinforcing the homophobia of an 8 year old.

I, too, think of one of those creepy adult-baby diaper fetishists.

I have turned down a date with a guy because he invited me over so that he could cook me something “yummy.” 100% turn-off.

And Jessica: “num-nums” is, quite possibly, the only word worse than “yummy.”

13 years ago

I am so happy there are other people who disdain this word. As far as I am concerned, it is up there with “Epic” and “LOL” as overused garbage currantly dumbing down the American vocabulary. When I ear anyone say this word, over the age of 7, I want to smack the shit outta them. Reminds me of this one fat bitch who used to work with me who would take pictures of her food and put it on FB and then say “this was so yummy in my tummy”. What arew you, 4, you fatass pig?It sounds juvinielle,infantille and just disgusting. I really think the Vocabulary needs a purge and “yummy” and “yum” should be on the list.

13 years ago

I cringe when I hear the Y word. I’m relieved to see that others feel the same word. It turns my stomach a little bit, which is unfortunate because the references are often about food, and very often something I’d otherwise enjoy eating. It’s icky–oh wait, that’s another word I don’t like. I don’t like hearing adults use baby-talk, unless they are actually talking to a baby.

13 years ago

I just text my 24 yr old daughter and told her to tell her friend to stop using the word yummy after I read it on her status..unless your having a kickass conversation about cookies with your 4yr old…then no grown adult should use it…I then googled I hate the word yummy and yum and voila there are more of my kind out there!….I’m so happy!!!

13 years ago

I seriously just googled “I hate the word yummy” and I opened this page. It drives me crazy!!! My 50 year old father says it about any type of food he eats and it makes me sick to my stomach hearing it. We went to the airport and this 17 year old girl was talking to us, since she had never been on an airplane before, at our layover everyone went to get food and the girl got a bigmac. My dad who always whines about how unhealthy McDonalds is, goes up to her and says, “Wow that looks so yummy!” I thought I would die. I felt like my dad was a “creeper”. Now, he just got off the phone with his girlfriend after telling her 15 times that her food was so “yummy”, when in fact her food is disgusting.

13 years ago

I too have been plaqued with the evil “yummy.” Glad to see I’m not alone. Everyday a face book status pops up with a woman claiming she just had the most yummy dinner. I go to work and I am bombarded with yummy. Please someone make it stop! I thought it was a word reserved for 6 year olds, but apparently it is the new awesome. I can at least draw some solace that there are others out there who feel my pain. God bless you all.

13 years ago

HAHAHA!!! I just googled, “Hates the word yummy”. There is something about that stupid, so-called “word”. I want to smack whoever says it and say to them, “how old are you, two?”. UGH. Makes me sick to my stomach seeing it or hearing it. Glad there’s many others out there who feel the same. YIKES, I feel your pain. MAKE IT STOP!!!!!!!!!!

13 years ago

Oh, and see that Rachel Ray is a big fan with her YUM-O CHARITY. Puke.

12 years ago

I just met someone who I like, but when he asked me if I had a Yummy Valentines Day, it just turned me off. I was brave enough to ask “just what is a yummy valentines day..He said it is a valentines day filled with sweetness and sugar

12 years ago

I typed the following into a Google search… ‘Terrible word: yummy’… and arrived at this page… I must say, that I am more than pleased to read of others utter disgust at it.

I once knew a guy who regularly used the ‘Y’ word and it really did make my skin crawl, which brings me to another highly annoying word… ‘ugh’…

12 years ago

Just looked for reviews on JD Weatherspoons web site for Bacon Carbonara. At least two of the five reviews rated the dish as “Yummy”. I saw red. It promted me to come here and vent. My sister uses it. She is supposed to be the brains of the family. Why has this lothesome word become fashionable. It goes up there with LOL (I hate that too). This web site is great. Makes me feel a whole lot better.

12 years ago

I love you for hating this word. There are others but this is the top of my list. Thank you.

12 years ago

I hate this word and I’m almost at the point where I hate the people who use it! I posted my feelings on FB once and practically got run out of town with comments by people who apparently need to use this word as a daily requirement to describe anything and everything. It s infantile. I have many serious foodie friends and when they use it I want to vomit. The word should be banished from the vocabulary of anyone over 5 years old.

12 years ago

You all summed it up, only problem is some of you seem like the very retards who use this disgusting ‘word’. The fag talking about cupcakes being ‘yummy’…. cupcakes are RETARDED. Theyre literally meant for small children! Normal people realize cupcakes are no more ‘yummy’ than a normal cake. There is no such thing as ‘cupcake flavor’. A cupcake is simply a small cake… stupid. People buy overpriced cupcakes by the dozen when they could spend less and get a cake and-wait for it- CUT IT INTO SLICES. I know, crazy concept, huh?

12 years ago

I also hate the word (here from a Google search, just like everyone else, it seems). Too bad so many of the people who agree with me on this are raging homophobes. Interesting that people who are so sensitive about the word “yummy” have no trouble using the far more disgusting word “fag.”

Hate the word for its laziness, its over-cuteness, its aesthetic ugliness, its childishness. But the minute you trot out “gay” to describe how disgusting you find something, you should probably reexamine your own word choices.

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