10 ways to help the overall economy that don’t cost $700 billion:

  1. Repeal NAFTA
  2. Remove unreasonable excise taxes
  3. Regulate THE HELL out of the banks and financial services sector (not own them – regulate them)
  4. Reduce the cost of health care by implementing price caps on certain goods and services, possibly remove them from public ownership. I don’t want my health care decided on in a board room any more than I do in Washington.
  5. Stop importing so much food. That will help American farmers more than all the loans and subsidies we can give them (even though it may cost more for us at Food Lion).
  6. Increase the minimum wage again – it’s wayyyy below the poverty level.
  7. Put some of that $700 billion into education. The US education system sucks right now and our kids will have it worse than us. Pay teachers more and you’ll get better teachers.
  8. Attack, yes attack with the full force of the law the illegal aliens who are employed in the US and flat out SHUT DOWN the employers that hire them.
  9. Stop using bank credit cards. Burn them. Join a credit union and use a debit card if you must swipe plastic.
  10. Get over yourselves. Americans have got to stop feeling such an accelerated and “deserving” sense of self-worth. Be prepared to hunker down and do with less (live within your means). The new $30K car you insist upon every three to five years and all your other bling-bling status symbols are going to have to wait.
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