How’s this for a day?

I pulled a muscle in my back getting off the sofa this morning (where I sleep every night since Connor kicked me out of the bed) and then proceeded to check my bank account for my bonus I was told should be in the bank.  Huh?  No bonus?  In furry I almost quit my job.  Then I found out I received bad information from the rumor mill that is my workpalce and that my bonus was approved, plus a raise, just not in time for this payroll deposit.

So the rest of the day was busier than any on record and in the middle of it I proceeded with the final interview for the newest Junior Sys. Admin position I’m hiring for.  At least I didn’t have to pay for lunch.

So on the way home, down the country back roads, my back still in pain, plus I was hungy, and out of no where a loud explosion occurred on the right side of my truck.  Did someone shoot it?  That was my first thought but no.  I ran over some piece of plastic that fell off the top of the work van full of illegal aliens in front of me.  My back right tire was flat.  But I was about a mile from home so I hobbled to the driveway.

A few minutes later I got out the jack and surprise, the portion of the jack handle that’s suppose to fit in the jack itself to crank it doesn’t fit.  Not even close.  I even read the instructions.  Not something I’m known for.  Ford obviously put their best Engineers on jack handles.  Therefore I was off to Advanced Auto.

The clerk roaming the isles asked what I was going to lift.  I said “my F-150”.  To which he replied “this is the kit you need”.  It was a 2-ton Hydraulic floor lift and two jack stands for $27.  I’ll take it.

Well I shouldn’t have.  I got under the rear end of the truck, positioned the jack to the axel and pumped it to it’s maximum height of thirteen inches.  Which is about two inches too low for an F-150.  So now I’ve got a jack to return, blown rear tire, my back still hurts and it hasn’t rained in two months but it’s going to pour tomorrow.  Okay, the gods have spoken.

All this on a day I was excited about.  I was expecting lots of money in the bank and steaks for dinner.  Instead I got microwave soup and a flat.

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