Amy and I spent last weekend in Williamsburg. It was actually pretty cool because I found out a lot of things about how Virginia played into the revolution. Here’s a couple of interesting things about the area:

Basically Virginia always revolted first from the Williamsburg Capital. Therefore they had a large armory where the powder kegs to the right were stored.
Amy wasn’t happy that I didn’t take her on a ride in a horse drawn carriage.
Instead I took her on a tour of North America’s first insane asylum now called the DeWitt Wallace Public Hospital. Nice accomodations.
That’s when she had me put in the stock for the rest of the day.
So I was right in the middle of Duke of Gloucester St. ready for everyone to throw rotten cabbage at me.
Turns out that one week ago I was right where the revolution really started and tomorrow I’m leaving for Charleston where it all ended.