Catching up…

imageIt’s been awhile since I’ve had time to sit down in Photoshop and get pics ready to post on the site so tonight I’m gonna catch up a little. Last week Sean Aitken came over and brought Maeve with him. I hadn’t seen her since her first birthday about three months ago. Her and Connor are a toss up in the cute category, two of the most beautiful babies around. But it’s boys against girls and Connor had a tendency to play a little rough, even knocking Maeve down once. Amy could tell he felt bad about it when she started crying.

Must be nice…

imageWhat’s Amy been doing since we made the decision that she could be a stay-at-home mom? Drinking Strawberry Margaritas with Christine during lunch of course. They went out one day and took these photos of each other goofin’ off in a Mexican restaurant in North Raleigh. Someone else will have to comment for details.

imageYa, she wishes it was that easy… So far she’s enjoying it and seems to be dealing pretty well with the Mr. Connor workload. He’s wide open from the minute he’s awake until he’s back asleep again. But too bad Farm Bureau – I haven’t heard her say one thing about missing work.

Punkin’ Head

imageConnor’s wearing the decoration that we put over the front porch light on Halloween. I had to clean out the dead bugs before he put it on. It didn’t survive the one-year-old torture treatment and found it’s way into the trash after being completely crumpled.

How’s this for personal?

The results of my CT scan came back this morning and everything was as expected but with one exception: my prostate is enlarged. Therefore I’m off to see my primary who’s going to review the radiologists info. Other than that I’m going to be starting a steroid regiment tomorrow. Yippee.

Dear “President” Bush,

48% of American voters hated the previous four years enough to vote against you. Another 1% hated you enough to vote for Nader. Ya, you’re a genuine “uniter”. Over the next four years please try not to embarrass this country any more than you already have. “And that’s all I have to say about that.” – Forest Gump

Your vote means nothing.

imageIf you live in New Mexico or Iowa this morning. Your states haven’t declared a presidential winner and it doesn’t matter when they do. I was wrong about New Mexico last night. Some guy’s uncounted, provisional ballot in Ohio means more to the countries political future than your official, counted vote. It’s quite amazing that something like 5 million people voted in Ohio. That’s a turnout.

Before CNN calls it…

Before the networks get to it – here ya go: The whole thing comes down to New Mexico.

Bush wins Alaska – 249…

Bush wins Ohio – 269…

New Mexico has 5 Electoral votes… 274

My projection for the final – Bush: 274 Kerry: 252 (mark the time 1:08 a.m.) Note: there is the possibility that Colorado could split their electoral votes.

Polls, Polls, Polls has been a hot site this year. Andrew Tanenbaum (author of the Minix Operating System) put together this information using the top national daily polls every day.

Here are the top three points of deception that I feel could win or lose today’s election for Bush:

1. Voting against the incumbent unpatriotic.
2. A vote for Dubya is a vote for God.
3. The terrorists don’t want Dubya so you should.

If enough people buy this garbage, Bush is in again. If enough people think clearly and for themselves, Kerry’s our next President. We’ll know by this time tomorrow.


imageConnor made it through his first Halloween last night. He was a bumble bee and mommy was the Queen bee. We really couldn’t believe he kept the little hood on all night. It was 80 degrees so he sported his bee suit and diaper. We had a ton of kids come by the house. After going through $15 worth of candy we shut the door.image