TTIP: The hostile, corporate takeover of world governments via ISDS.

Have you heard of TTIP?  Most people have no idea what it is.  It’s the Trans Atlantic Investment and Trade Partnership.  It’s all about removing “non tariff trade barriers”.  In other words, allowing businesses to undermine government.   They put aside the idea that Democratically elected governments SHOULD reflect the will of the people.  More often now these purchased government officials represent the lobbyists who’ve bought them.  That must be remembered as context for the remaining explanation.

Think about a dark, smokey room, closed doors, full of billionaires and politicians from the EU conducting these “negotiations”.  That’s not much exaggeration.  It’s what’s happening right now and it is the greatest threat to regional government sovereignty in the history of planet earth.  The premise is simple from the corporate perspective: removing regional legal barriers to international trade will result in prosperity for big business and therefore prosperity to all.  An international “trickle”.  Except this is pissing on everyone and everything for profit, not just the working poor.  The international version of “What’s best for Wall Street is best for Main Street”, the ongoing farce wrapped inside corporate PR lies.

Imagine a country having rules in place about GMO’s, environmental protections, addictive substances such as cigarettes voted on and supported democratically by the voters of that region or country.  Then understand that a built in component of the TTIP, an ISDS or Investor State Dispute Settlement clause, would allow corporations to file suit against a government for imposing laws that impact a corporations profits.  That’s right, a direct mechanism for international corporations to undermine democratically enacted laws for consumer, environmental and economic protections.  It’s ugly.  Real ugly and many a pro-business corporatist will stop at nothing to proclaim this a benefit.  Really, allowing corporations to over ride local and regional government regulations and protections a benefit?  I don’t give one damn how they try to candy coat that BS.  It stinks.

Again, these negotiations are all taking place very much in secret.  Recently the BBC questioned this transparency and the only pro corporatist panel response was “transparency could help businesses decide”.  That infuriated me.  How about this… Screw your big business and your single track profiteering mind!  Profit seems to be the only thing these people can correlate anything to.  The transparency is needed for the human beings these negotiations will inflict havoc upon.  In case the smart ass, pro corporate geniuses haven’t noticed corporate profits do not translate into jobs or a more stable economy for the middle class, they enrich the 2%.  The European estimates show 600K jobs lost to TTIP.  European farmers will be undermined as TTIP lowers import standards for US foods while they must adhere to local laws.  The will of the people is going to be undermined by the will of corporate leaders and profiteers who will stop at nothing, including killing people, making others destitute and destroying the environment all in the name of a return to shareholders.  This is not an exaggeration.

It’s noted that 97% of European consumer consults reject TTIP.  Ninety seven f*#king percent.  Yet they move ahead with these “negotiations”.  Why?  Corporate influence.

The counter argument in favor of ISDS is that corporations should be able to invest in foreign lands without the threat of new laws undermining their profitability.  Governments see this as a way to entice multinational corporations.  In other words, they want to negate international investment risk and insure future corporate profits.  Too big too fail, tax payer bailouts, ISDS – all mechanisms distorting what they refer to as a “free market” in the name of sought after, insured revenue and profits.

How much longer is the world going to stand by and let the wealthy international corporations tear down all consumer protection barriers to insure profit?  Not long from now we will literally be paying taxes to insure corporations and industries do not fail and that shareholders are guaranteed returns.   Workers, humans, the environment, be damned.  To these short sighted fools it’s ALL about profit, all the time.  This is not just unsustainable, it’s f*#king ludicrous and self deprecating.  It’s a miscalculated destruction of a world wide consumer base over the long term.

When you hear anything about globalization sold as beneficial remember that LOCAL is best.  LOCAL wins.  We cannot continue to hand over the will of the people in LOCAL communities to big business so their shareholders are insured profits.  I don’t know how these corporatist pigs can sleep at night after worshiping at the altar of the dollar every day.

NC’s religious wingnuts file another bill to blend Christian beliefs into government office.

“The first NC Senate bill filed Wednesday would allow magistrates and employees of county registers of deeds offices to refuse to perform marriages or issue licenses due to religious objections”.

Any such bill would be challenged as unconstitutional at the federal level.  Do the wingnuts care how much they spend on such a failing endeavor in the courts?  Hell no, as long as they get a soap box in the name of Jesus.

This is really quite simple.  If you can’t put aside your religious beliefs in order to fulfill a government office without bias you are simply unfit to hold the office.  Done and done.  What’s the problem?  Get rid of any Magistrate who can’t separate church from their civic duties in office and move along.  That’s the way it’s designed to work under the US Constitution.  Anything argument to the contrary is semantics to justify an ideological or religious position.  When it comes to the execution of public office Christian, Muslim, Buddhism, Wicken… got nothing to do with it.

Put forth your argument in the name of Jesus or Christianity, then replace them with another deity or religion and see if your opinion holds true.  That’s the litmus test.  If you think Magistrates should not be held to their civic duties in office because of their Muslim or Wicken beliefs then you have an argument.  A bias towards Christianity provides no platform or foundation for such debate.

Did I mention all this is from the party of “less government”?  Horseshit.  The ONLY time any Republican’s wanted less government is when it comes to gun control, business/finance regulations or tax collection.

Trying WordPress on an iPhone 6

Not bad. Almost an easier editor than the full interface. Certainly simple enough.

Posted a pic to see how it comes out. The editor inserts the HTML only, no image preview. No compression, full image size. Ouch. That could use help. I’ll stick with my Instagram feed.

No, I don’t watch the show.

But I do ride through the intersection, by the Wendell Auto Brokers lot, almost daily.  Sometimes straight through the lot on my bike.  And I got into an argument on the phone with Amy Shirley once because of an undisclosed towing fee for all wheel drive cars.  It was before she claimed her fame and became too important to answer the phone.

A Lizard Lick Liberal

In the two mile bastion of turkey shoots, used car lots, tow trucks, side arms, barely hidden bigotry, occasionally open racism I roam Highway 97 in Lycra.  Yes, the type yoga pants are made of.  Mine has butt pads.  Recently learned I’m called a MAMIL.  I am not ashamed.

I quietly listen as you denounce wage increases and single payer health care.  I listen to your angered anti-tax rants.  I loathe your fear of government, immigrants, regulation…  Your fear of everything.  Such constant fear.  I hear you don’t like the suppression of your Christian practices while denouncing all other worship, threatening those who dare.  Your island was breached long ago.  I move among you a dissenter.  A free thinker without fear.  No feeling of loss or emptiness when shunned by the local community, a non worshiper.  One who does not allow any religious teachings to form my opinions.  I am not distressed by your local, revered past time; judging others.  I pity it.

This is a day of self liberation and political awareness.   Inside this red sea of conservative dogma and sweet tea slang resides more than tow trucks, shot guns and rednecks.  There is a liberal in the ranks.  One who has gay friends yet is not gay.  Some married, residing among you locally.  True story.  I’m the one who prefers to ride a bike instead of driving a pickup.  One whose children attend your coveted, local, conservative charter school.  Someone who does not think unstable, anti-social, insane people should be armed, despite any amendment or sanctimonious perceived right.  Dear Zeus, I drive a Subaru in your zip code!   I am certain this is causing some Lizard Lick locals extensive anguish so I will have mercy just one time and not extrapolate on my cycling adventures to Whole Foods and experiences with fine wine.

If all that hasn’t created an unhealthy blood flow, caused an extra drip of Skoal or mustard into your beard I will leave you with this:  Reagan was wrong on the economy and all Muslim’s are not Islamic extremists.

Let’s begin.  Namaste