Here’s a reminder to myself: check out this video on how to take apart a Mac Mini to perform upgrades.
It’s snowing!
Connor was urging me to open the front door this morning so he could look outside. What do ya know? It’s snowing. And just three days ago it was 70 degrees here. Amy was dressed first so she got Connor together and took him outside for his first walk in the snowflakes. She couldn’t find our digital camera so she got his pic with the camera on her phone. I’m pretty impressed with the quality of the images we can download off the Audiovox 8910‘s.
Camera phones are a must have with kids. It makes it so easy to collect pics that our parents missed (or never got developed). Later this afternoon I’m going to burn our entire photo directory to CD and back up the mySQL database running this blog to an excel file or something I can import later if necessary.
Apple – Mac mini
Gotta have one. I’ve always wanted to run OS-X v.10 Panther at home but never could afford a Powerbook or an expensive apple display for their desktops (which start at $999.00).
The technology gods have spoken and I see a Mac mini in my future. This Mac hooks to standard VGA and USB components. Right now it’s more important to me than a plasma TV, new laptop or anything else electronic.
HP DL380 and MSA30 Array
Here’s what I’ll be installing if I can find time between interviewing four potential contractors tomorrow. This file server’s about a week overdue in the rack. It’s been built for days, I just haven’t had time to get it to the Inflow data center. It’s a pretty good file server including an HP Smart Array 6i internal controller with four 36GB drives configured at RAID 1+0. The memory is at 4GB with two 3.6GHz. Xeon Processors. Overkill? Hefty for file storage to say the least.
The MSA30 has seven 72GB drives configured RAID 5 for a usable capacity of 407GB which can be expanded by the Smart Array 642 controller. Since it’s a file server this controller’s only got 64MB of battery backed cache. For SQL etc. I would only use 256MB of cache on the card and RAID 1+0 regardless of the loss of usable disk space. After this is in I’ve got an SQL server and another Citrix box to get installed for a P21 Commerce Center test environment. It all needs to be done by Monday morning.
Audiovox 8910 and BitPim
Alltel wants $3.95 a month plus charges against monthly minutes to “send” photos taken with my 8910 to my email account or a URL. – Ya, count on that. I downloaded this photo of Connor from my phone straight to my PC.
It came to my attention that the Audiovox 8900 is not the easiest phone to work with in terms of getting pictures off of using a USB cable. Neither BitPim or Brewsky support the firmware. Luckily I learned that the 8910 is not an upgrade from the 8900 – it’s a firmware upgrade from the Audiovox 8600 series. BitPim does work. Here’s how:
1. Acquire a USB cable for the 8910 off ebay with the Curital drivers (no need to pay more than $12.00).
2. When the cable arrives load the CDM8900 drivers contained on the driver CD BEFORE PLUGING IN THE PHONE. This process will load three different drivers and then assign your phone to Serial COM Port 4 when it’s plugged in.
3. Download and install the latest version of BitPim.
4. During the installation it will ask you to specify connection settings. First specify a download path to your local system. For “Phone Type” use LG-VX6000. For the COM Port use “COM4”.
5. Next go to “View” and “Filesystem” or click on the “Filesystem” tab. Then click under the “+” under “Name”. If you’re sucessfully connected you should see the directory structure of the phone similar to the one below. The next part is what confused me – where are the fr#@kin’ photos?!!
6. The image below shows the path to the photos in the “brew” directory. They are not in the camera directory as you might think. Just right click on one of the .jpeg files and select download.
Be careful messing around in the file system of any phone. There are very many stories on the web where people have fried their firmware for good. Your provider will give you a hard time about this if they realize what you were doing at the time the phone died. Use this information at your own risk.
Santa Clause came to see Connor!
…and left him all kinds of new things for us to fall over and trip on. But it’s cool because he loves his new John Deer 4-wheeler, even if he can only drive it backwards. Daddy pushes it forwards. Amy got a new camera phone on “the family plan” so it will actually save a lot of money. She also got plenty of other stuff she wasn’t expecting including a shopping trip to Aldos.
The best gift I got came from my dad (as usual). It’s my new Magellan Meridian Gold hand held GPS. More Geocaches are on the way to being discovered. I’ve got to come up with a cool theme of items to leave at the caches I find next year. I think I’ll post more about xmas later but right now I’ve got to go eat chicken wings.
Since several people have been asking I’m also going to work on the photos section of the site tonight or tomorrow so all the pics on my server can be viewed from one page.
Today I created a Livejournal page. My intention was to setup a Livejournal RSS feed for this site. I stopped when I realized it would cost me $5.00 every two months for syndication privileges. That sounds like nothing but I’m weary considering how many recurring technology fees I already pay.
Supreme Technology
This is a quote from FCC Chairman Michael K. Powell as he “applauded” the Supreme Courts decision to hear the case regarding the ongoing ISP-cable line dispute:
“The 9th Circuit’s decision would have grave consequences for the future and availability of high-speed Internet connections in this country,” he said in a statement. “High-speed Internet connections are not telephones.”
And people wonder why I loathe our purposefully ignorant government officials. It is a sad day when the Chairman of the FCC doesn’t weigh the importance of a technology like Voice over IP and doesn’t have the foresight to care what mediums it can be transported on. Go back to your office and fire up your ballpoint Mike Powell – have ’em put in a few more load coils. I’d be willing to bet the FCC’s Network Admins have already made sure your calls are IP based. But then again that would involve the government saving money… if anyone has inside info on this I’d love to know.
Another sad thing is the Geritol Gang (the Supreme Court) will probably not have the ability to weigh this technology into their ruling. “You mean people can make phone calls on the interweb?”
December 1st already.
I can’t beleive there’s only 24 shopping days left. When I think of what’s coming over the next year it’s not surprising this one went by so fast. In the next 12 months:
º Connor will learn to walk.
º I will move Dillon Supply’s entire IT infrastructure from a hosted environment to the new corporate location including the construction of a new data center, new WAN telecommunications circuits for 23 branches, a VPN, VoIP and many other deployments in between. Microsoft Project is probably going to melt my laptop.
º I will pick up additional private IT Consulting work (particularly in the are of TAP’s, wireless LAN’s and associated security).
º We might buy a new house (I may postpone this due to the fact that I don’t want the stress of moving a company and my family in the same year).
º And I’m sure there’s about a hundered other things I’m forgetting. All I know is, I gotta get and stay healthy so I can see it all through.
Linux Launch
Red Hat has just launched Red Hat Magazine. I still dislike KDE and Knome desktops though – I like Fedora servers. The top story is on Fedora’s new ability to automount removable storage.