The more things change, the more Americans try to keep them the same. Usually to our detriment. War stories, tales of the good old days… we love us some nostalgia. Even if it’s broken we won’t fix it unless there’s profit involved. Despite this desire by many to keep antiquated product, systems, and procedures in place there are quite a few things we use every day that are going the way of the beeper despite the resistance. We don’t need them, they don’t make money and our kids won’t have them.
#5 – Car Keys
It’s getting more and more difficult to buy a new car that comes with keys. Proximity sensor key fobs are here to stay. I made sure to buy a car that has keys in 2013 because it will likely be the last one I will be able to purchase new that does. My kids will be driving in their 20’s laughing with their friends about the car keys dad carried.
#4 – CD’s and DVD’s
Redbox better take advantage while they still can because streaming is the future. Your kids will watch episode 14 of Gilligan’s Island whenever they want to and they will wait less time than it takes a 30 second commercial to run for their programming to begin.
#3 – Land Lines
And for that matter wired internet connections. My oldest son will be happy to look back at my fights with routers, wireless access points and bridges throughout the house and realize his wireless connection is effortless. In less than 10 years AT&T will end the era of copper phone lines from the street. It will all be fiber, VoIP and wireless.
#2 – Newspapers
Yes, they are still sold. The only reason I know this is because someone leaves a free one in my driveway once a week that gets turned to mush as I drive over it more than four times. I’ve never opened the little plastic bag it comes in. Didn’t even read or keep the print edition that contained quotes and excerpts from this blog. What a waste of paper. If you still read a newspaper chances are you are checking your blood pressure regularly and considering a Geritol supplement. It’s over. Buy a tablet or eReader, let newsprint die and save some trees.
#1 – Checkbooks
Speaking of useless paper. The UK is scheduled to do away with personal checking for private account holders in 2014. The U.S. will certainly follow in short order. They are nothing more than an expense in processing coupled with risk for the banks. They are nothing short of infuriating for shoppers in a check out line. It’s time to give up on the nostalgia and the perceived need for checks in the name of personal organization. Does anyone under 50 actually balance a check book anymore? I think we still have some checkbooks around. I’ve literally written two checks out of one book in the last six years.
Of course I could go on… local applications on computers, hard drives, dedicated digital cameras, fax machines, dedicated remote controls… Most items in the tech sector including some brand new ones like 3D glasses. However I don’t share some technologists sentiments that movie theaters, performance theaters and other live performance venues will be impacted. Much like the Beatles had to perform live over 12,000 times before hitting the Ed Sullivan Show, I think (and hope) the music industry is going to make a swing back to live performance as the main source of revenue, not 99 cent downloads. People are becoming too anti-social and complacent (i.e. boring) thanks to technology and this is not a trend I see future generations outside of the gaming community embracing.