Amy’s got 99 pictures in her shutterfly album of Logan now. You can see them all right here:
From an album in Logan’s newborn pictures
You can order prints from the site. The PW to view the album is: business
Amy’s got 99 pictures in her shutterfly album of Logan now. You can see them all right here:
From an album in Logan’s newborn pictures
You can order prints from the site. The PW to view the album is: business
Hopefully this won’t start a horrifying trend. I am not opposed to discussions about Universal Health Care but passing laws at the state level which dictate that small businesses owners must make it available and individuals are responsible for having it is nothing but a great big victory for the health insurance companies and health care corporations.
This is an ill-conceived, stupid plan by ass-hats who have no idea what a burden this will place on many families. They will claim that state and federal funds will assist those with financial hardships. The truth is that to qualify for such programs you will only be able to have a part time job making $8 an hour to fall below the federal poverty level. Those families making $35K to $65K a year struggling to pay the mortgage and two car payments so they can get back and forth to work will not qualify and this will directly tap into their budget for genuine life necessities. All so a state government can dictate what’s best for them to do with their money.
DO NOT let laws like this fool you. This is not a group of legislators looking out for the best interest of their constituency. They are mearly trying to make sure that hospitals get paid when the uninsured can’t. At the same time they pacify the health insurance industry by providing them a state mandated revenue stream. Mitt Romney, you sir are an ass. And as a corporate “playa” an easy target for the corporate lobbies that are responsible for having these laws passed.
They are hoping the people of Massachusetts are stupid enough to beleive they are looking out for their best interest. And maybe you are on a few occassions. But in this instance corporations have gotten laws passed to increase their revenue streams.
Imagine you’re a small company owner and you decide to host your own mail server. You hire a technician to come in and set up a small SMTP server of some flavor for your domain and have him modify your external DNS and MX records so your mail starts flowing to the static IP address for your network assigned by your telecommunications provider (AT&T, Time Warner – whoever). Two days later you begin receiving non-delivery errors for sent messages that state “You don’t have permissions to send to this recipient”. This is typically a case of the receiving mail server performing a “reverse DNS lookup”. In order for these reverse lookups to succeed the telecommunications carrier that provided your static IP for your network is required to maintain a PTR record for the host name of your new mail server. Now you will learn the horror that is requesting a PTR record from a major telco or ISP.
Many ISP’s and telco’s are reluctant to add PTR records for customers they have delegated IP addresses to for a couple of reasons: The first is usually because they don’t know what you’re talking about when a request for a reverse DNS entry is made and you’re required to travel well up the support food chain before talking to a technician that understands that PTR records are maintained by the ISP delegating the IP address, not the ISP hosting DNS for the domain. The second reason is that unlike the ISP hosting the public DNS entries there is no money involved for the telco or ISP providing your static IP (yet).
PTR records are becoming common requests that you would think ISP’s would be more more willing to accomodate since major ISP’s like AOL and Time Warner both require successful reverse DNS lookups for any mail being sent to a receipient of their domains. It’s a bigger shame they don’t realize the greater importance of hosting PTR records which is it’s actually a technology in the fight against spam that works. If every mail server out there had reverse DNS lookups required for incoming mail I could speculate the number of successful spam deliveries would be cut in half.
What most people, including a lot of Sys Admins, don’t know is that any ISP or telco delegating an IP address is REQUIRED by the text of their ARIN agreement to provide reverse PTR records for the IP addresses they delegate. I wouldn’t hesitate to drop this bomb in the ear of any ISP refusing to add a PTR record for a network I administer.
Under section 7.1 of the ARIN number resource policy manual (American Registry for Internet Numbers) it specifically states
“All ISPs receiving one or more distinct /16 CIDR blocks of IP addresses from ARIN will be responsible for maintaining all IN-ADDR.ARPA domain records for their respective customers.”
This means that any ISP or telco delegating IP addresses is required to maintain accurate DNS entries not only on the domains for which they host public DNS records for but also for any IP addresses they delegate (i.e. statically assigned IP address for your network).
“High Tech Computer Corp. announced the HTC Touch, a Microsoft Windows Mobile 6 Professional OS device designed with one-touch screen features giving users instant access to emails, contacts and appointments.”
I beleive I would prefer this for business use over the entertainment value of an iPhone.
“The Touch does not come with large internal flash memory capacity for music and movie storage, which the iPhone will have. HTC instead offers a microSD drive, and a 1G-byte microSD card is included with the handset.”
Attentions pirates: Booty time!
Digg commentors call directly for the death of a sitting vice-president:
This is a funny thread! Slashdot article on a bunch of geeks running off to “own a 128-bit integer”! Wait until you get to the reply on “RE: Eat it”.
“hex(“natalie portman”) = 6e 61 74 61 6c 69 65 20 70 6f 72 74 6d 61 6e 00
Now she’s mine! Those of you who invoke hot grits will be hearing from my lawyer.”
Here’s an article on Digg regarding this rumor and a quote of one guys extreme reaction to the news: IBM Layoff
People here in the States aren’t going to wake up to what is happening until THEIR job is taken. The middle class is being systematically dismantled.
We’ve pretty much lost most of our manufacturing base. Very little is still “made in the USA”. We’ve gone from a self-sufficient country that could make anything it needs to one that imports damn near everything. Hell, many of the parts required for some of our more sophisticated military weapons are made in China. Hmm, wonder what happens if China decides to stop making them?
One thing we still make and make well are firearms. I’d suggest you buy a few and get ready for the coming maelstrom.
Yesterday, during a noon news conference, a reporter asked Virginia Tech President Charles Steger and the Blacksburg Police Chief if they were at all emotionally affected by the shooting tragedy that occurred yesterday morning. I can understand the point of his question. I’m afraid the whole time I watched Charles Steger I thought the man was trying to surpress a grin. I tried to dismiss it as an unintented reaction to all the attention from all the media, but I’m sorry to say it looked more like he was basking in the attention this brought to him.
Not only did his administration and the police department most likely fumble the response and investigation at the initial shooting (from what we know at this point). But his attitude could potentially fuel the outrage that is building in those who feel the second series of deaths could have been prevented.
Virginia Tech would do well to find themselves another spokesperson/PR Rep immediately to handle this issue. A few more days of Charles Seger on camera could be enough to fuel lawsuits from many directions against the Virginia Tech.