Best politial forum comment this year…

Ask yourself this, when was the last time you thought seriously about a problem this country has (political, economic, health care, taxes etc) and found yourself changing your mind because you discovered some new fact you previously did not know or you arrived at a different understanding. If you can’t remember the last time this happened, then you are part of  America’s problem. Strict ideology has no place in a well run nation and that includes strict adherence to our constitution, a document that was written hundreds of years ago when society had no cars, planes, TV, internet, railroads, or anything else that makes up our modern world. Not to mention the fact that it permitted slavery and did not permit women or blacks to vote.” – Guest @

Blackberry and RIM might not last.

There are so many reasons Blackberry’s suck that it’s not even worth the effort to generate a yet another list on the interwebs. You can just Google “blackberry sucks” and you’ll see what I mean. Their parent company, Research In Motion or RIM, has been responsible for more data service outages to the phones than any Exchange server administrator would be allowed while keeping his job.

RIM puts obscure middleware servers between the phones and mail servers, called Blackberry Enterprise Servers, which connect to the RIM network.  The polling process by these systems put a lot of overhead on the Exchange server(s). Meanwhile the users are stuck with God awful handsets with unintuitive user interfaces, evil scroll wheels, lack of quality document support for Word and Excel, and very few units support 3G which doesn’t matter because the browser makes the surfing experience pathetic anyway.

The Blackberry brand will fail for RIM very soon without drastic changes. Compared to other smart phones they just don’t match up. Most younger consumers who are in “touch” with technology realize the limitations and clumsy interfaces of the Blackberry OS and laugh at it. Meanwhile I can tell you from direct corporate experience the only people who continue to want them anymore are old men. To define old I mean the 55+ crowd. They don’t know any better, they’re scared to be misinterpreted as hip or cool with a modern touch screen smart phone when their fellow executives (also old men) whip a Blackberry out of their golf bags with strong, conservative business pride.

That’s why I now call Blackberry’s “hearing aids”. They’re for old men who think that an iPhone’s and Droids are just toys for teenagers who want to watch Hulu videos all day. The blackberry will go the way of the aging members of its support base.  And just like the hyper-conservatives who carry them Blackberry won’t make a comeback because anal-retentive is not something that’s going to come back into style for at least a few decades.

Facebook Mobile

It looks like many mobile versions of facebook and google gadgets that depend on the mobile interface are broken today thanks to new code introduced by facebook.

I really think that in terms of user interface changes, consistency and reliability facebook is one of the absolute worst web 2.0 site in development. It’s like they constantly fix what isn’t broken just to keep people employed.

NC State Auditor Beth Woods can’t pay her taxes.

According to the News and Observer NC State Auditor Beth Woods admits she intentionally pays her taxes late every year and she  cannot pay them for 2009 until she gets her tax refund. What’s more shocking is the number of people who are okay with this because they say it makes her a “normal person like the rest of us”.

Well now let’s put this in perspective. Beth Woods makes $123,000 a year as the State Auditor. She has a property valued at $124,000 with an annual tax bill of $1234. That’s less than what I pay. I pay on time every year and make less than Mrs. Woods. I bet Mrs. Woods doesn’t have 2 car payments, 3 kids and a 45 mile commute costing her $70-$100 a week in gas. Hell, $102 a month would pay her tax bill. State employees get paid monthly so before taxes Mrs. Woods is paid $10,250 a month. Yet she can’t come up with $1234 to pay her tax bill.

Some people are saying it’s OK, “she’s human”. That’s bullshit. She is responsible for auditing state spending yet she can’t manage her own. In her position she needs to be above reproach and if she’s got personal financial difficulties then she is not.

Here’s the kicker: Her excuse is that she owes $90K on a loan for her campaign. Let me give you a little bit of financial advice Mrs. Woods: If you can’t manage your personal finances well enough to pay your taxes on time you have no business taking out a $90K loan to run for a public office making you accountable for the states spending. It’s not sound financial decision making. What unsound decisions are you making with the states money?

It’s one thing if your household earns around $40-60K a year, have a family of four and can’t pay your property tax bill right when it’s due. It’s another matter entirely if your are the NC State Auditor making $123K a year and can’t pay a $1,234 tax bill because you can’t manage your personal finances. I guess a credit check is not necessary if you are voted into a state office. Probably a good thing for Mrs. Woods. Based on the information available I speculate hers score isn’t looking too wonderful.

Logan gets up early.

I have been getting up with Logan between 4:30 and 5:30 AM every single day for a month. No sleeping in, at all, under any circumstances. I have even been very late to work on a few occasions because I must lay back down after Amy leaves to take the Connor to school in the morning. I have no choice, my stomach is in turmoil sometimes. Crohn’s disease and 5 hours of sleep do not go well together. What’s that you say? Go to bed earlier?

Well, Logan and Connor generally both go to sleep between 8:30 and 9 PM but Amy would like for me to stay up so she can have someone to talk to until 10:30 or 11:00 at night. Which is just fine if you get to sleep as late as 6:00 AM or if you get to lay down and take naps during the day if you’re exhausted beyond the point of being able to count to 10. But I have no such luxury. My body has now learned to wake up after approximately 4-5 hours of sleep. I hear stories on the radio where folks are complaining they don’t get 8 hours of “uninterrupted” sleep. Well boo f*#!ing hoo. I haven’t had 8 hours of “uninterrupted” sleep in probably 6 to 8 years. I’m certain I cannot sleep that long under perfect circumstances with medication.

Sleep is over rated until the drive home on I-540 at about 6 PM. This is where I will die and we all need to hope I don’t take someone with me. I have come very, very close to falling asleep at the wheel during my 45 minute commute.

But I’ve just got to deal with it. Can’t go to bed early and no way under any circumstances I’m I going to get to sleep late. Even when Logan wants Mommy in the morning instead of me, I’m up…changing pull-ups, making milk, and finding the right episode of Special Agent OSO or Mickey Mouse for Logan.

This morning I went upstairs and tried to lay back down at about 5:15. A few minutes later I heard Logan walking around downstairs calling “mommy…mommy…I need you to change me…”. I waited a few minutes. Finally I went downstairs to change the pull-up. Meanwhile Amy’s sawing logs.  I heard Logan all the way upstairs.  Amy didn’t hear him in the hallway outside our bedroom.

Amy has hard mornings. By hard I mean she does not agree with the beginning of the day. She can sleep through a hurricane and once she’s up you’ll wish she had. Sometimes it’s bordering on evil. In fact I’m not sure I want her getting up at 4:30 AM with Logan because I don’t think she would be able to deal with the fact that he’s up, not going back to sleep but up for the day.

Meanwhile I will just focus on making the evening commute without taking anyone else out in my Tundra.

Current Projects

  1. Installing a NetApp FAS2020 filer with an active-active controller configuration.
  2. Migrating recently acquired EDI accounts to Trimaco’s site ID and qualifier.
  3. Procuring a new Dell Latitude for more extensive Windows 7 testing.
  4. Spinning up LUNs on the new SAN to move SQL data on to for testing.
  5. A Microsoft Dynamics Great Plains 10 upgrade.
  6. Upgrading vSync too…
  7. Procuring a new PIX firewall to replace our legacy unit (the sh running config is extensive).
  8. Deploying two laptops to the field (hopefully the last XP units).
  9. Upgrading Label Matrix / Label View.
  10. Remodeling our bathrooms at home.
  11. Kitchen counters maybe?
  12. Nothing else because I can’t handle it in February or March.  I’m booked.

NC Tax Refund Delay

money bagI e-filed my 2009 taxes on January 24th.  The IRS acceptance occurred the next day for my federal return.  The NC Dept. of Revenue has yet to accept my electronic filing.

Last year I filed at the end of January and NC accepted and processed my refund faster than the feds.  It will be interesting to see how long the delay is for NC this year as their income tax base and overall state revenue has decreased.  I speculate the NC delay in acceptance and processing will be intentional this year.

Zachary Singleton

My third son, Zachary Taylor, was born on January 14th at 8:08 PM weighing 8 lbs. 1 oz.   Since everyone asks… no he wasn’t intentionally named after our 13th President.  All three of our boys were born at the Rex Birth Center in Raleigh.  Below are pictures of each just about five minutes after they were born.    Zachary has been the quietest baby of all three.  He better learn how to get loud fast if he’s going to keep up with Connor and Logan.  He’ll always be our baby.

Zach was the only one Amy had without an epidural or any pain killers at all.  He came too fast.  We arrived at the hospital at 7 PM and he was here one hour later.  They nurse hardly had time to get an IV started.  We have a lot more pictures on facebook.

Baby Zach
Baby Logan
Baby Logan
Baby Connor
Baby Connor

How far is a light year?

Within the next decade scientists believe they may find planets with atmospheres capable of sustaining life as “close” as 63 light years away.  So just exactly how far is a light year?  Pretty damn far.  Here’s the math:

5,000 years ago the Myans (and Egyptians) determined the earth completes one orbit around the sun (1 year) in 365 days 5 hrs. 48 min. and 46 seconds.
5x60x60 = 18000
48×60 = 2880
46 = 46

That’s 31,556,926 seconds in one Julian calendar year.

Light travels 186,000 miles per second.  So an interstellar body one light year away is about 5,869,588,236,000 miles away. That’s five trillion, eight hundred sixty-nine billion, five hundred eighty-eight million, two hundred thirty-six thousand.  Give or take a city block or two.

The fastest speed that can be reached by a space shuttle is 17,500 miles per hour.  At this speed it would take slightly over 38,263 earth years to travel one light year into space.   Or if someone wants to make the trip in six earth years we will need a ship that travels 111,600,000 miles per hour.  Consider that nuclear fission occurs at about 7% of the speed of light that’s much faster than our greatest source of power will ever achieve.  Of course this is all based on perspective because traveling in a space craft at these speeds would slow time compared to a stationary object on earth.  You know, that pesky relativity formula Einstein discovered.

While science fiction is cool, it’s just that….fiction.  Man will never travel 63 light years from earth in our current form.  All the more reason digital and electronic storage technologies will continue to progress as a part of human evolution.  Once the human psyche can be “digitized”, as in dumped on to a hard drive, we will not only be immortal but we may be able to travel in forms that could one day take us to these planets capable of “sustaining life”.  So in all probability the mere act of searching for such biologically hospitable planets or moons is pointless in terms of travel.  By the time we achieve a way to get there we will not even need a environment capable of sustaining life in biological form.  However such environments could sustain other life forms….. which have very little probability of ever meeting us.

So if there is other intelligent life out there it can’t get to us unless it (they) know how to fold space and time.  As depicted in the movie Dune they would need to be able to “travel throughout the universe without moving”.