Sweet 16

imageAmy’s cousin Katie celebrated her 16th birthday today so we attended yet another party (I think that’s three this month). Connor had fun getting passed around to relatives again. We had a small battle about putting him on a trampoline, which I disapproved of (I don’t think many medical professionals would recommend it so I’m not sure the idea would sound too good in the ER). It’s quite a drive to Wilson Mills, NC where the party was held plus we got lost when we missed an exit on the way. Luckily they had cheap gas in Clayton ($1.89/gallon).

imageKatie got a jet black 2004 2-door Honda Accord from her father as a birthday present. I’m sure the insurance on that scenario is a lot of fun$$$. Connor’s getting to be a lot of fun. He’s even getting better about having his nails trimmed and I’m getting faster at doing it. Now if we could just find a way to get him to quit biting… I’m open to suggestions.

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20 years ago

Bite ’em back!

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