I have been getting up with Logan between 4:30 and 5:30 AM every single day for a month. No sleeping in, at all, under any circumstances. I have even been very late to work on a few occasions because I must lay back down after Amy leaves to take the Connor to school in the morning. I have no choice, my stomach is in turmoil sometimes. Crohn’s disease and 5 hours of sleep do not go well together. What’s that you say? Go to bed earlier?
Well, Logan and Connor generally both go to sleep between 8:30 and 9 PM but Amy would like for me to stay up so she can have someone to talk to until 10:30 or 11:00 at night. Which is just fine if you get to sleep as late as 6:00 AM or if you get to lay down and take naps during the day if you’re exhausted beyond the point of being able to count to 10. But I have no such luxury. My body has now learned to wake up after approximately 4-5 hours of sleep. I hear stories on the radio where folks are complaining they don’t get 8 hours of “uninterrupted” sleep. Well boo f*#!ing hoo. I haven’t had 8 hours of “uninterrupted” sleep in probably 6 to 8 years. I’m certain I cannot sleep that long under perfect circumstances with medication.
Sleep is over rated until the drive home on I-540 at about 6 PM. This is where I will die and we all need to hope I don’t take someone with me. I have come very, very close to falling asleep at the wheel during my 45 minute commute.
But I’ve just got to deal with it. Can’t go to bed early and no way under any circumstances I’m I going to get to sleep late. Even when Logan wants Mommy in the morning instead of me, I’m up…changing pull-ups, making milk, and finding the right episode of Special Agent OSO or Mickey Mouse for Logan.
This morning I went upstairs and tried to lay back down at about 5:15. A few minutes later I heard Logan walking around downstairs calling “mommy…mommy…I need you to change me…”. I waited a few minutes. Finally I went downstairs to change the pull-up. Meanwhile Amy’s sawing logs. I heard Logan all the way upstairs. Amy didn’t hear him in the hallway outside our bedroom.
Amy has hard mornings. By hard I mean she does not agree with the beginning of the day. She can sleep through a hurricane and once she’s up you’ll wish she had. Sometimes it’s bordering on evil. In fact I’m not sure I want her getting up at 4:30 AM with Logan because I don’t think she would be able to deal with the fact that he’s up, not going back to sleep but up for the day.
Meanwhile I will just focus on making the evening commute without taking anyone else out in my Tundra.
Aunt Anna Banana would be more than happy to keep Logan for you at least one night so you can sleep in. All you have to do is call!
It is a good thing that I didn’t see this back in Feb. when u wrote it. You forgot to mention that I just had a newborn baby about a month ago at the time you wrote this. LOL! Honey, I’m so sorry you feel like I’m evil in the morning. I’m trying really hard to be a better morning person. Think I’ve been pretty good considering I have 3 to get ready in the morning now. At least Logan is out of that stage of getting up really early, plus now I know it was b/c he had a ear infection in both ears!! Also, I know u got up with Logan this morning but I ended up getting up with him and he went back to sleep for me:) I love you sweetheart!!
Hi Todd, to be honest I stumbled across your blog and began reading…this one made me laugh and as you can see inspired me to put finger to keyboard. I can understand you’re having a moan and fair play, it’s a good tension reliever etc etc. But I have no sympathy my friend, we all go through it and you’ll have to learn to grin and bare it the same as the rest of us did..now quit moaning and go check who needs changing/feeding/entertaining!