Social networking is killing my blog.

So many posts on facebook and a few on twitter.  No entries in the ‘ol blog for over a month.

I think I’m being socialed out.  My new word…”socialed”.  Facebook is where all the photos live and an occasional rant.  The blog was once a place for me to vent frustrations.  Now it’s just a lonely space that few visit except for updates on tired, old issues that aren’t going anywhere.

Work is outrageously busy.  Amy inherited a little money from her Grandmother who passed away on Nov. 21, 2010.   We’re trying to sit on.  Possibly some home improvements.  I bought a Lieca D-LUX 5 camera (I might return) and Amy got a new phone.  We all got a new TV for the living room.  Other than that we’re trying to stay humble.  Going to invest and save most of it.  A few home renovations are definitely in order.

Connor learned to ride his bike and tie his shoes during Christmas break and Logan has started preschool.  Zach is a full blown toddler now.  He’s a walker and cute as can be.