Police: Man fell to death from Beltline after crash :: WRAL.com

It is the second such fatality at that location. In October 2005, Todd Fletcher, 26, fell to his death not realizing that the bridges between the Outer and Inner beltlines were separated by open space.

via Police: Man fell to death from Beltline after crash :: WRAL.com.

The NCDOT Design Engineers deserve another moment of recognition.  Are they the worst state run organization in the US?  I certainly think they will take their sweet time in fixing this problem.  Might be a three death minimum required before making any repair or design changes.  And they might never admit fault.

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Mike Davis
15 years ago

Couldn’t believe I saw this in the news this morning. Everytime I ride the greenway under this very bridge I think of that guy (Todd Fletcher). I don’t quite understand how it happened again though because there is a fence there now to deter people from jumping the median at that spot. I wonder if they tried to climb the fence?

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