Owned by a 1st grade math worksheet.

This was not the first time I misunderstood the instructions for one of Connor’s homework assignments. But after spending a lot of time in college working with Euclidean geometry, Boolean logic and business formulas like Altman’s Z-score Ratio, I thought I had at least until the 5th grade before the math worksheets would defeat me.

Then along came “Double Dominoes”. Don’t know why it became the mind bender from hell. As usual the only complicated part was the instructions. See the actual worksheet below. The part that got me was “Draw the domino that shows the double plus one.”

OK. Does this mean the next “Double Domino” (i.e. the double that is plus one)? Or does it mean the sum of the previous domino plus one? Since the name of the worksheet is “Double Dominoes” I decided to roll the dice and assume it meant the next double domino in the sequence. Nope. The instructions should have said “Draw the domino that shows the sum of the previous dominoes dots plus one.”


I felt bad about not understanding the instructions until I read his teachers explanation: “When you double a number, just add 1”. Hmmmmm. I better let Drew know to check our numbers quick. The auditors are here and we’ve been multiplying by 2 the whole time.

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15 years ago

That is the most confusing thing I have ever seen!

15 years ago

Thanks for posting!

This was really helpful in working on my daughters homework.

14 years ago

Math-Aids.Com is a free resource for teachers and parents. You can make an unlimited number of printable math worksheets for children, the classroom or homework practice. The answer key is included with each math worksheet as it is created. The worksheets are randomly generated so when you request one it will be different every time. Each math topic has several different types of math problems so you may choose which area to focus on in that subject.

I have built a special section just for Multiplication Math Topics.
These topics include Times Tables, Single and Multiple Digit Multiplication, Missing Factor, Decimal and Negative Number Multiplication Worksheets.

I will be glad to add any topic that you may need.

Here is the link:

Multiplication Worksheets

Please consider adding a link on your site for you and your readers.

Thank you very much.

13 years ago

This happens to us all the time too. I am sitting here with my daughter and I had no clue. It would help if they would show a correctly worked out example. I am 38 and cant figure this out and the expect a 7 year old to complete this? LOL

12 years ago

hello, thank you so much for the understanding on this,
it was so confusion. i’am so glad i found this site to correct my dahdahdahdah thank you !!!!

11 years ago

This is very helpful. I have a BA degree and I thought of the same answer, but my son has to argue with me so we have to Google this question. I guess I won the case. Thank you.

8 years ago

Thank you… Plus one.
You just saved my wife and I from the embarrassment of being stumped by a first grade problem. Your explanation of wording saved us. Thank you.

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