The wealthy are taking a vacation from reality.

David Kelly, chief market strategist for JPMorgan Funds is proof positive that the guys in the best paying chairs at investment banks are out of touch. He was quoted this morning as saying “The market is in a manic phase…It’s like a kid throwing a tantrum. At some point you have to let them cry themselves out because there’s no reasoning with them. Eventually, the market will respond more to fundamentals.”

Uh, David, the market is responding to fundamentals. Low and stagnant wages, growing unemployment, the rising costs of goods and services. Does any of this sound familiar? David must be talking about the same “strong fundamentals” McCain was preaching about as late as September. His statement personifies the main problem our country faces finding a consensus agreement on fixing this economy. The rich want to fix the problems effecting their precious portfolios but fail to realize it won’t happen until the micro economy is repaired first. But creating jobs and wages is a more complicated problem than analyzing stock values so the mighty trust and hedge fund managers don’t want to go there. Furthermore, God forbid, it might cost money.

Wall Street pundits haven’t hit the point of not being able to afford Doctor’s visits or put gas in their $50K SUV’s. They are so far insulated from the financial crisis on Main Street that they turn their heads as if to keep from watching a bloated African kid eat dirt and swat flies. They stay in denial using Wedgwood china to create a happy place. Retail sales are going to be real bad around the holiday’s this year. People could start losing their very ability to take care of their families day to day. Meanwhile a segment of trust fund honchos will continue to sit around debating whether or not we’re in a recession. John McCain should be flat out embarrassed that he endorses this Save the Yacht Club through his campaign.

Understand this Senator McCain: Main Street is not concerned about making sure you and your rich friends continue to prosper. Your prosperity is not helping the MAJORITY of Americans who do not share in your wealth. Many struggle day to day and week to week. And this word “struggle” is not just feel good campaign jargon. For you to argue that it’s “wrong” to “spread the wealth” because so many wealthy Americans “worked hard” for all they’ve accumulated is bullshit sir. To this end I will challenge you to provide provide me one example of truly “hard work” your wife performed that is deserving of her wealth during her tenure on this planet. I will counter with an offering of a day labor job that would probably kill her. That’s right, I brought your Beer Heiress wife into it.

Nobody’s asking for a handout John. People are demanding fair pay for a fair days work. The “take it or leave it” offer of low wages for serious labor is no good for the working men and women of America. Like so many other wealthy Americans the trust funds your children will inherit are the benefit of your wife’s good fortune – not her hard work.

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16 years ago

Wow! I think you just put the rich right in their place. HA! I definitely agree that the macro economy like us middle class need to be repaired before the micro economy will prosper once again. I don’t feel bad about the people like “Joe the Plumber” having to spend the same amount of taxes as we do b/c if you make more money you should have to spend a little more in taxes not get a tax break. Give me a break… I mean come on, I can’t believe that people who make > than or = to $250,000 a year feel they shouldn’t have to pay the same amount of taxes as middle class b/c wait a minute that means they have to pay more money… OH NO!! With the way our economy is, we have to do something to get things going again and if that means everyone pays the same amount of taxes than so be it. I definitely don’t feel sorry for small businesses making that much money to begin with when people are trying to decide if they should take their children to the doctor’s or wait…

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