Rednecks usually win the White house

They travel by many names: white blue collar workers, rednecks, sometimes even racists. Our nation just can’t find the guts to come forward and admit it: A Democrat has not won the White House since Kennedy without the support of Joe and Jane six pack. Bubba Clinton had the backing of Arkansas and Carter was a peanut farmer from Georgia – ’nuff said.

For almost a decade the rednecks have landed squarely on the lawns of Republicans because of “conservative Christian values”. Which, by the way, have recently been expanded to include teenage pregnancy. And for any Republican who thinks that this “private family matter” is off limits, think again. Caribou Barbie forfeited her right to take that off the table when she endorsed abstinence only policies while in public office. We see how well that worked out for you Sarah.

Forgive me, I have strayed. There’s no way the rednecks will vote for a black man. Card carrying NRA, bible thumpers decided the fate of our last two elections and will play a huge part in the coming November legacy. The question is: Are there enough electoral votes available in the intellectual and minority regions of the country to overcome the Hyper-Christian, Good-ol-Boy demographic? We will have to wait to see if it will be as close as the last two rounds.

There’s a specific litmus test that can be used to determine which side of the Good-ol-Boy club any American stands on.  Just mention the European perspective.   A liberal will tell you they are embarrassed and will apologize that the leaders of our nation are selected almost exclusively by those who come from either corporate made, elitist wealth or the nearest evangelical church. The die hard conservative response will usually be: Who cares what Europe (or any other part of the world) thinks?

Call me crazy but I beleive it’s important that America maintain a positive image on the international stage. It’s time that we prove to the world that we can overcome the irrational, ideological and hipocritical demographic that has put this nation through it’s worst eight years since my generation’s been alive. I not only support but encourage all rednecks to go hunting, go to church, pray to Jesus, and above all maintain your strong disagreement with abortion and other “social conservative” issues. Just don’t fool yourself into thinking that America will continue to be dumbed down to your narrow minded set of moral rules and opinions you wish to confer upon others for many generations to come. But the one card you’ve got to take off the table and burn right now is the race card. In case you haven’t heard racism is no longer fashionable or tolerated, redneck or not.

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16 years ago

I agree that we have let the so-called “Christian morals” overshadow the real issues in elections. I have a friend who recently told me she was not voting for anyone who was pro gay marriage. I couldn’t believe that she would let that one issue sway her vote when there are so many other pressing issues, such as our economy, energy crisis and foreign policy. As I see it right now, we have to choose between nothing and not a lot more…I still don’t know who I’m voting for, but I will guarantee that it won’t be moral issues that push me towards one side or the other!

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