WRAL – Man accused in slaying over kid’s baseball bat accident

A guy shot another man dead in front of both their children.  And there are many gun advocates who argue the gun played no role.  The aging “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people” argument.  This made me mad.  So this was my final post in a WRAL GOLO forum thread.  Please argue against this logic:

I would not be in support of stricter gun control if we could insure that all firearms that are manufactured fell into the hands of responsible citizens. Unfortunately this is not the case. The supply chain from the manufacturer to the end user / owner cannot be insured. It is now easier for a criminal to buy a stolen gun than it is for a law abiding citizen to buy a legal gun. But the stolen gun had to come from somewhere and it was undoubtedly from a “responsible” citizen. Or a corrupt gun dealer.

More criminals walk armed than there are law abiding citizens who want to. Therefore we are left with little choice but to enforce stricter controls and regulations upon the responsibility of firearm possession. In fact, it’s almost time to hold those criminally negligent who fail to protect a firearm from theft using every available proven resource. Currently even those with a history of mental illness can legally buy a gun. And the NRA argues that’s the way it should be.

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16 years ago

I just read the story about the shooting. That is crazy how a guy shot someone over a baseball bat accident! I agree about having stricter gun control b/c then things like this would not happen as often. I feel sorry for the children that had to witness the shooting. I can only imagine what that did to their once “innocent” life.

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