Bret’s Chet.

imageThe other night I learned that Bret Hedican ended up getting himself a sunburst Gibson Chet Atkins SST a while back. Good choice dude. It’s the same guitar Sam Hindmarsh played when we were in Lassiter Mill together a few years ago. [I feel] it’s a solid six string for anyone torn between electric and acoustic. Everyone knows I talk a lot about these guitars but I hate to think I ever acted like I knew what I was talking about. Na, not me.

Chet’s are really smooth electric acoustics. Almost all the best players out there have owned one. Sean Aitken can be caught playing his around town on many a weekend. Check him out if you get a chance (Sean’s got another baby comin’ soon too). And check out Sam’s new band Evenfall also. They’re pretty high energy now. Next show is January 14th at the Brewery.

P.S. – I’ll be posting some of the holiday pictures soon. I just haven’t had much time for new entries lately.

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Grandma Johnson
19 years ago

That guitar reminded me so much of Amy’s Dad. Chet Atkins was his idol and he could actually play some of his songs quite well. He had a Gibson and I’m not sure what his last one was, he had it built by someone in Raleigh, on Yonkers Rd. I think, and had it only a short time before he died.

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