We were at the first annual North Hills Mall christmas tree lighting last Saturday night when the cops providing security called in a 10-52 (ambulance to the scene). Apparently someone couldn’t handle all the excitement. Later we tried to go to the new Fox and Hound Bar and Grill but there was a 45 minute wait. Amy and I finally went back last night (a week later) and had some beers, cherry bombs, and fish-n-chips. They’ve only been open for a month so the food is still being prepared with care. I expect moderate deterioration in the quality over the next few months. Still, it’s going to be a popular place.
Babies are everywhere these days.
We’ve had our share of kids lately. Amy took care of Maeve one night while Sean practiced with John Metcalf (Bongo John) and some other guys from his former band Wax Planet.
Connor also spent some time this week with my parents next door neighbor’s kids, Charlie and Megan, and with his cousins Hannah and Skylar. Seems like everywhere we go there’s a baby or three.
Linux Launch
Red Hat has just launched Red Hat Magazine. I still dislike KDE and Knome desktops though – I like Fedora servers. The top story is on Fedora’s new ability to automount removable storage.
Thanks to the “Tech-Support Generation”
From Slashdot and MSNBC:
“Millions of young Americans will head home next week to give thanks, eat turkey … and fix their parents’ computers“
Connor and Kris
Mr. Kris Kringle that is. AKA – Santa. Amy took Connor to meet him for the first time today. Unlike when his father was a little boy he didn’t cry. I guess he only looks like daddy. He acts like mommy. We’ll know if that’s good or bad in another year or two. For now Mr. Kringle is just going to have to take our word for it that he’s been good enough for a brand new full toy box this year.
Breaking into the PIX… again.
Once again I’m off to reset the password on a Cisco PIX for Dillon Supply. This was done a few months ago by a contractor at the Inflow data center while I walked him through it on the phone (I was in St. Louis) but alas he did not use the write mem command when he was done.
So this Friday I was trying to perform a certificate request for the PIX that failed and in order to save the existing certificates I had to run a reload without writing to memory. Once that was done the password reverted to the old one that no one at Dillon Supply knows. How’s that for project management. Mr. Sylvain Fournier, now residing in France, didn’t even bother to take the responsibility of knowing the password for the companies firewall. And they praised the guy.
Don’t worry though folks, I’ve acquired a $15 USB to Serial converter to use on the laptop you provided that does not have a serial port and I’ve installed the Solarwinds TFTP server and Hyperterminal Private Edition (to send break commands) and I will now once again break into the PIX and reset the password to the factory default. This time I will write mem and put this issue to rest.
Catching up…
It’s been awhile since I’ve had time to sit down in Photoshop and get pics ready to post on the site so tonight I’m gonna catch up a little. Last week Sean Aitken came over and brought Maeve with him. I hadn’t seen her since her first birthday about three months ago. Her and Connor are a toss up in the cute category, two of the most beautiful babies around. But it’s boys against girls and Connor had a tendency to play a little rough, even knocking Maeve down once. Amy could tell he felt bad about it when she started crying.
Must be nice…
What’s Amy been doing since we made the decision that she could be a stay-at-home mom? Drinking Strawberry Margaritas with Christine during lunch of course. They went out one day and took these photos of each other goofin’ off in a Mexican restaurant in North Raleigh. Someone else will have to comment for details.
Ya, she wishes it was that easy… So far she’s enjoying it and seems to be dealing pretty well with the Mr. Connor workload. He’s wide open from the minute he’s awake until he’s back asleep again. But too bad Farm Bureau – I haven’t heard her say one thing about missing work.
Punkin’ Head
How’s this for personal?
The results of my CT scan came back this morning and everything was as expected but with one exception: my prostate is enlarged. Therefore I’m off to see my primary who’s going to review the radiologists info. Other than that I’m going to be starting a steroid regiment tomorrow. Yippee.