The comments on articles will reduce your IQ.

It’s a bastion of f*#king ignorance.  Mean, bigoted, financially illiterate ignorance.  But hey, you’ll get three shouts if you just say “It’s Obama’s fault”.  It’s A forum of conservadorks worse than those who slurp Faux News through a straw.  Moderated, ignorant assholes who have on-line babysitters making sure no one is offended by their bigotry and racism.  Cute.

Here’s a little excerpt of what their moderators find appropriate on today’s article about Egypt sentencing 183 to death over an assault on police station:

“Apparently Egypt knows how to deal with criminals and executions. Dang shame America doesn’t follow suit and fire up ole Sparkie or Ned the Needle and clean out all the death rows in every prison”. -pork rinds and jelly donuts

Because we haven’t executed enough innocent people who didn’t kill anyone?  You’re a fucking genius “Pork Rind”.  A mean, angry, bigoted genius who calls for the killing of those who do not commit a capital crime.  Heinous ass hole?  No, no, that’s not a question.

“When most things bad can be blames specifically on liberals and the president, it pretty much never ends” -arfamr1015

Oh ya, those “bad liberals” again.  Wanting higher wages, equitable justice and education systems.  Vile.  When will their evil end so they can start calling for the execution of more innocent minorities like the Pork Rind Donut inbred fool?

“With all the criticisms on WRAL comments, keep in mind that we still have the best country in the world” – HomebrewDude.

What is this inbred brewing?  Crystal meth?  Don’t wake him up from his dream wrapped in the farce.  Just be careful he doesn’t fart a lie during slumber.  “The best country in the world”.  I would love to know by which measure this fool assumes his comment holds any merit.  First in what?  Gun ownership?  Military spending?  Otherwise let’s remind the ignorant assholes who stay in denial one more time…

  • 9th in Literacy
  • 50th in Life Expectancy
  • 174th in Infant Mortality
  • 4th in participating Labor Force
  • 3rd in Median Household Income
  • 4th in Exports
  • 13th in the quality of Medical Care and falling
  • We can go on all night without hitting a #1.

Hard right assholes will deny each factual statistic as they go buy more Chinese made American flag magnets for their trucks and proclaim that damn liberals don’t know what makes this country great.  That’s the exclusive territory of Jesus and guns according to GOP doctrine.

America’s in a bad spot with ignorant, bigoted social rejects who think being introverted is a distinguishing characteristic and have little to offer in the form of solutions.  They provide the only simple minded answers they can correlate mindlessly to any topic: get a gun, end taxes on the wealthy, tax the poor and execute more innocent people who haven’t committed capital crimes (insert loathing, disdain and fear here).  You can’t make up this kind of insane rhetoric that’s embraced by 8th grade educated, Skoal slurpin’, rednecks rockin’ their Sunday School agenda.  It’s really a service WRAL provides by letting them make their comments for the whole world to see how amazingly foolish these people can be as they are lead around by Koch media.  Keepin’ it simple for stupid and allowing them to show their overwhelming ignorance, defying all laws of physics and fact through their “faith”.  Meanwhile they remain too self righteous and ignorant to understand that any working employee voting Republican is simply a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.


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